jennie gyllblad Archives

The Samurai Slasher
Clift, Jim Lavery, Andy Bloor, Rory Donald, Alistair Wood, Dan Butcher, Dave Jones and Jennie Gyllblad with Mike Stock on lettering duties and Nathan Ashworth on colours. Artwork by Gavin Mitchell The Samurai Slasher series has been an incredibly amusing look at the cheesy, gory slasher flicks of old, and why we loved them, as well as[...]
Jennie Gyllblad's Skal, Courtesy Of Her Patreon
An ongoing online graphic novel written and painted by Jennie Gyllblad, supported by Patreon! It is being created right now and each page is published online as it is completed. 'The Monastery feared Mushirah They feared her so much that they threw her in a prison cell, stitched her mouth shut and set her execution date. Bundled[...]