It's a particularly interesting piece of zeitgeist pop culture, the type that gets lots of write-ups in the media where pundits and reviewers will spend weeks talking about its quality and merits. It's a show that makes its audience feel clever for watching it.
Here, Frank Underwood, as played by Kevin Spacey, is now Vice President[...]
kevin spacey Archives
We've seen some of this footage already, but here is more of our favorite political family, the Underwoods, now officially in the White House, in the newest trailer for Netflix's Emmy-winning House of Cards.
How great is that bit where Robin Wright wants to make some guy suffer and Kevin Spacey just falls a little bit[...]
Can Kevin Spacey get even crueler than what he put poor Corey Stoll through last season? Well, now he's Vice President so of course he can.
House of Cards season 2 will be released on February 14th, so may your Valentine's Day be filled with the best kind of binge-watching[...]
The show is being produced by Kevin Spacey, who is also going to star alongside The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo actress Robin Wright, and Fincher is currently billed as executive producer.
Netflix, as investors, are keeping their hands clean of the entire dispute, and according to the story over at The Hollywood Reporter have directed[...]
You will, however, also have to share a few uncomfortable silences with your fellow moviegoers when certain jokes fall flat or broadcast their punchlines so far and wide that somewhere on a desert island a heavily bearded Tom Hanks will look up excitedly in the belief he's just seen a passing ship.
Star power was a[...]