The trailer focuses on the storyline of the pilot which introduces us to Liv Aberdine (Lucy Griffiths) who was going to be John Constantine's regular companion, but after the pilot was completed, the series was retooled and Liv went bye bye (Griffiths is now a regular on Preacher) and Angelica Celaya was brought in to[...]
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We also meet Liv Aberdine (Lucy Griffiths) who is the daughter of an old friend of John's and has the ability to scry, which allowed her to see where bad things were going to happen She was going to be a regular in the series And the around the time of Comic-Con, word came that[...]
After the pilot was made for Constantine, some changes were made that included replacing the character of Liv (Lucy Griffiths) with a character from the comics Zed (Angélica Celaya) who is John Constantine's former lover Having seen the pilot, am looking forward to the change as I just didn't think Liv fit into the Hellblazer universe…[...]
Welsh actor Matt Ryan got cast in the title role, and while we've seen him in character already, along with today's news we also now have a first still from a scene of the actual show, showing Ryan's Constantine and Lucy Griffiths as Liv, a young woman who can see the supernatural.
Looks good from here[...]