marvel zombies Archives

Fred Van Lente Talks Archer & Armstrong Going Into Year Two
With the House of Ideas he spent time doing the family friendly titles before helming the Incredible Hercules with Greg Pak, then he dug up the Marvel Zombies and worked on Powerman & Iron Fist… Perhaps it was his experience with ampersand connected titles that got him the gig on Archer & Armstrong, but more[...]
Frank Marraffino Off Marvel Zombies Destroy, Peter David On
Frank Marraffino's Marvel Zombies Destroy!, a World War II-set zombified Marvel character comic was coming on great guns, with Howard The Duck and Dum Dum Dugan forming Ducky's Dozen against Nazi zombies But only for the first two issues out in May. Peter David writes; A week or so ago I was contacted by Marvel editorial: The[...]
Marvel Zombies Return… And Return… And Return…
The Marvel Zombies are back in September, as a series of one-shots. Marvel Zombies Return: Spider-Man with Nick Dragotta brings back the horrific undead Spider-Man, Colonel America, Power Man, Giant Man and Wolverine – into their own past so Peter Parked-In-A-Grave goes back to his college years in an attempt to undo the evil he would[...]