matt fraction Archives

Hawkeye #11 – The Best Single Comic You'll Read Today, Even If You're Gary Groth
Today, Marvel publishes Hawkeye #11 by Matt Fraction and David Aja. It's a story about Clint Barton (better known as Hawkeye)'s dog Lucky (better known as Pizza Dog). It's about the way he sees, hears and smells his world, represented as a series of pictograms that are reminiscent of the work of Chris Ware We get associated[...]
Matt Fraction Talks Hawkeye, Arrested Development And Pizza Dog at Heroes Con
Hannah Means-Shannon writes for Bleeding Cool from Heroes Con On an otherwise fairly laid-back day at the opening of Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina, Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber packed a large hall to talk about the alarmingly successful series Hawkeye It's rare for a panel at a con to be devoted to a single[...]
Fake Geek Girls, Hawkguys And Hawkblocks
Matt Fraction has art-directed a series of T-shirt designs based on the Hawkeye comic for WeLoveFine, and is donating his fee to Futures Without Violence Including one based around this famous panel… And Kelly Sue DeConnick, donating her fee to Girls Leadership Institute has her own new shirts based around "Fake Geek Girl" [...]
Tales From ECCC: Matt Fraction And A Surprise New Comic For The Summer
Though Allred loves being on the book. Also Joe Quinone is guesting for issue 6 to let Allred keep on schedule. And the success of Hawkeye just makes Fraction smile. Matt Fraction and I both wished that the Hawkeye Vol 1 TPB had already been released Me since absolutely love the series and Matt since he would have[...]
Matt Fraction To Write Sign Language Issue Of Hawkeye
At the Pint Of CB panel at ECCC, Matt Fraction teased the future of the Hawkeye comic book. As well as news that issue 10 will feature the man commissioned to kill Hawkeye, issue 11 will have Pizza Dog solving a crime "Pizza Is My Business", Clint's loser brother Barney moving in, and flashbacks to Clint[...]
Gender Through Comic Books – And Free Access To Comic Creators
Vaughan, Mark Waid, Scott Snyder, Matt Fraction, Brian Bendis and Gail Simone, access to existing interviews with Bendis, Fraction, Jason Aaron, Dan Slott, Jonathan Hickman and more, and access to live weekly interviews with Vaughan, Snyder, Simone, Terry Moore, Steve Wacker, Sana Amanat and Waid, which you can also interact with. You can sign up here[...]
Fantastic Four Has All Gone Pear Shaped
Matt Fraction recently visited Leeds for Thought Bubble (No, apparently not, my mistake) And it appears took a little of the lingo back with him in today's Fantastic Four #3. "Pear-shaped" is British slang for something going wrong, no longer a circle – when you are looking at a European pear, anyway Which, in Europe, we[...]
Warren Ellis Thunderbolts Hits 99c On ComiXology
Working its way around the world, until it hits the US and goes official, it looks like Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato's Thunderbolts run that span out of Civil War will be hitting 99 cents on Monday morning… it's already at 69p in the UK. And it's joined by Warren Ellis Forum member Matt Fraction with[...]
Preview: Fantastic Four #1 And A Tortured Analogy
They just make plenty of bottle variants to hold it all in…. And so we have Matt Fraction and Bagley's Fantastic Four #1 Which looks like it may actually be trying something new Here are the first four pages of it… Four adults Two kids One FantastiCar NOW! Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben – along with Franklin[...]
Tommy Lee Edwards' Variant Cover For Spider-Men #5 For Dublin Comic Con
Guests include Tommy Lee Edwards (of course), Kelly Sue DeConnick, John Layman, Matt Fraction, Rafa Albuquerque, Jeff Parker, , Nate Cosby, Tommy Lee Edwards, Ben McCool, Lauren Sankovitch, Mark Doyle, Jeanine Schaefer, Kieron Gillen, Jaimie McKelvie and Doug Braithwaite It's a fine crowd Tickets to the show can be bought here I've been to the[...]
Iron Man #524 To Begin Armor Wars III
They looked at the effect the Tony Stark inventions had on the rest of the world and the nefarious nature of some using that technology. I'm told that Invincible Iron Man #524 will begin Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca's last hurrah on Iron Man before they go their separate ways and Kieron Gillen and Greg Land[...]
Bleeding Cool Is Not The Wife Of Matt Fraction Either
This is what happens when a comic convention has Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick as guests but a news website decides to begin Kelly's bio entry with "The wife of Matt Fraction." You get a little solidarity amongst friendly comic creators, pointing out that people can be defined in other ways, that Kelly Sue's worth[...]
10.5 Things About Hawkeye Issue 1
Alasdair Stuart writes for Bleeding Cool Matt Fraction and David Aja's highly anticipated Hawkeye ongoing is upon us and it's not what you'd expect This isn't quite the cool, zen archer of The Avengers movie, or rather, it could be, but if it is this is pretty clearly what he does on his days off[...]
Will Bunker's Boyfriend Turn Out To Be Vibe?
Could it be? In other just-as-relevant tweet news, regarding Avengers Vs X-Men,  @cathode_debris pointed out to Matt Fraction that he had " just realised first names of the Phoenix Five spell P.E.N.I.S" Peter, Emma, Namor, Illyana, Scott… blimey. It's the Ethan Van Sciver/Grant Morrison Sex-Men scandal all over again!   [...]
Marvel's Creator List For Marvel NOW! Point One
Here is your biggest clue to who, when, why and what will be writing drawing upcoming Marvel NOW! books, with the Marvel NOW! Point One comic which, like the Point One #1 book will feature short stories by creators on the chracters they'l be working on. So we have "BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS, MATT FRACTION, JEPH LOEB,[...]
Image Announces Satellite Sam by Matt Fraction And Howard Chaykin
At San Diego Comic Con, Matt Fraction and Howard Chaykin have announced a new period drama series, Satellite Sam Violence depravity and children's television A children's TV presenter is found dead, with a box of photographs, with every women the man has slept with, which unfurls the mystery of his life… and death. At San[...]
Antarctic Steampunk Girls Become Summer Girls – And More Ch-Ch-Changes
Which has a totally different vibe… and certainly less of those long flowing dresses. The backup story in Action Comics #11 will no longer be by Brad Walker, but will now features art by CAFU. While Steve Pugh is no longer drawing Animal Man #11, replaced by Alberto Ponticelli & Wayne Faucher. Matt Fraction tweeted that Journey Into[...]
Now Marvel's Matt Fraction And Salvador Larroca Take On Fantastic Four
A third filling. Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca, taking over the Fantastic Four when Jonathan Hickman leaves for The Avengers. Fraction has been working on a variety of books for Marvel, including a long run on Iron Man And we know that Kieron Gillen and Greg Land are taking over that book. So what's happening on Uncanny X-Men…[...]
The Great Marvel Switcheroo After Avengers Versus X-Men
Apart from the Iron Man one, obviously… Could we see Rick Remender and Jeremy Opena on an Avengers book? New Avengers maybe? Could Mark Waid take over Avengers Assemble? What about Jonathan Hickman and Essad Ribic on either Uncanny X-Men or the Avengers books that's not the one Remender and Opena are on? And definitely definitely definitely Kieron Gillen[...]
Matt Fraction And David Aja's Hawkeye To Be Announced At C2E2
And this teaser for a new series by Matt Fraction and David Aja does seem to indicate that's where we should be looking You know, what with the purple and black, the arrow and the bullseyes So it's probabky worth calling at this stage. Which means, no, Fraction and Aja aren't behind Marvel's new Gambit series[...]
The Superheroes Are Dying And Other ECCC Snippets by Matt Funk
Bill stated that he thought superhero comics were a dying genre but they all thought that it would be beneficial for everyone to allow the characters to lapse into public domain. –Matt Fraction says to look to Morrison's Animal Man and Doom Patrol for an idea of where his run on Defenders might be going, as[...]
A New Creator Owned Series By Howard Chaykin And Matt Fraction
As revealed by the TalkComix people below (around the 8 minute mark) at the London Super Comic Convention, Howard Chaykin, as well as starting work on Black Kiss 2 which he describes as "absolutely disgusting", will be working on a new creator owned series with Matt Fraction. Since Image Comics are publishing Black Kiss 2, and[...]
X-Men vs. the Avengers
X-Men, a 12-issue miniseries coming out this April involving all three of the above-mentioned women. Rather than one lead writer, the event will feature five: Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker and Jonathan Hickman, with two writers, Bendis and Aaron, kicking things off in a prologue drawn by Frank Cho. USA Today reports that, Bendis[...]