Directed by Erica Hayes and written by Nick Rutherford, "Rickdependence Spray" made it four-for-four with the fifth season of Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty Without rehashing our review from earlier today (cheap plug alert!), the episode was "a ten-ton, in-your-face, twisted "Afterschool Special" tour de force that didn't hide which hills it[...]
Nick Rutherford Archives
Following up on last year's award-winning "Pickle Rick," this year saw "The Vat of Acid Episode" walk away with the gold. Directed by Jacob Hair and written by Jeff Loveness and Albro Lundy, the episode was joined in the category by Big Mouth's "Disclosure The Movie: The Musical!," Bob's Burgers' "Pig Trouble In Little Tina," BoJack[...]