Unfortunately, it puts the fate of all the Earth in the hands of Etrigan the Demon.
The Demon: Hell is Earth #6 cover by Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Chris Sotomayor
So, Etrigan gets Excalibur in this, and he duels Belial, whom wields a rib bone of Lucifer I'm almost tempted to leave the review there, because[...]
the demon: hell is earth Archives
Unfortunately, Belial still has some tricks up his sleeve to which our heroes are not privy.
The Demon: Hell is Earth #5 cover by Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Chris Sotomayor
The Demon: Hell is Earth #5 readies itself for the grand finale by—well, doing what it has been doing for the past three issues or so[...]
We learn the one responsible for the encroaching Hell in Death Valley, and we learn whether or not Etrigan the Demon is willing to stop it.
The Demon: Hell is Earth #3 cover by Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Lee Loughridge
The Demon: Hell is Earth #3 slows the previously smooth pacing with its plot dump courtesy[...]
He wants to know why he is seeing this and what it means for his future.
In a nearby town, a sorceress arrives.
Pieces start falling into place with the explosion of a nuclear bomb in Death Valley.
The Demon: Hell is Earth #1 cover by Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Lee Loughridge
Oh, how I've longed for the[...]
Walker and Hennessy their duties fulfill.
Fans can expect both action and chills
In a tale that addresses our modern-day ills.
In this month where we celebrate Jack Kirby's birth
We're pleased to announce THE DEMON: HELL IS EARTH!
The new series will be written by Andrew Constant with art by Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessy, and here's what DC[...]