travelling man Archives

Porcelain Offered By Diamond In July, Thanks To Improper Behaviour
Written by Benjamin Read with art by Chris Wildgoose, Andre May and Alexa Rosa and letters by Jim Campbell, it was initially offered for sale through Page 45 and the branches of Travelling Man Porcelain has now sold out at the printers and the only copies left are any the stores have left. It's no surprise[...]
The Avengers Vs X-Men #1 Parties Have Begun (UPDATE x3)
Avengers Vs X-Men #1 is now released in UK stores running the Marvel Avengers Vs X-Men #1 Parties. Alasdair Stuart is at Travelling Man in York, sending back photos and audio. "Of course the comic is as pro wrestling as they come, lots of muscles, spandex and sweating But there's a washing up bowl of Maoam on[...]