In yet another clip from tonight's DC's Legends of Tomorrow, we get to see Kuasa, possessor of the Water Anansi Totem, go up again ARGUS
DC Universe Archives
A clip from tonight's new episode of The Flash asks the question of where are all of these new metas coming from like Hazard and Kilg%re?
The Legends of Tomorrow meet Zari Adrianna Tomaz and learn of the Meta-Human act of 2021 in this new clip from tonight's episode.
A look inside tonight's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow shows us the new member of the team, Zari Adrianna Tomaz and why she needs help.
A look inside tonight's episode of the Flash, Luck Be A Lady, where we meet the meta named Hazard and see the return of Harry Wells.
Taking a look at last night's episode of Supergirl, Far From the Tree, and how they introduce J'onn J'onzz's long-lost father to the series.
We get our first extended look at Professor Pyg in a scene where he is talking with a tied up Jim Gordon in the next episode Gotham.
A new video takes a look inside tonight's episode of Supergirl, 'Far From the Tree', which introduces us to two of the characters' fathers.
We have three clips from tonight's episode of Supergirl, including meeting Maggie's father and what J'onn J'onzz's ship looks like.
Taking a look at where the fourth season of Gotham is going now that a key player has been taken off the board for now and another one coming.
Taking a look at where the new third season of Supergirl is headed and how the key to the season may lie in the humans she has around her.
Taking a look at the third season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow so far and how we still need a few more clues before guessing the identity of Mallus
Taking a look at the direction for Arrow season six and just how Michael Emerson's unnamed character may be the key to where they are going.
Taking a look at where the new fourth season of The Flash may be headed and how Harrison Wells / Tom Cavanagh is the final piece.
New Justice League Action Short Has Fun With Kryptonite
Artist Lord Mesa has done up a bunch of new takes on the recent return of Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.
It's time for the weekly recap of the DCTV shows for the week of October 15th, 2017 including Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.
Welcome back to The Weekly Static, the best of the best in the past week's TV news.
A fast paced episode of Gotham introduced a long time comic character that we've been expecting and had Bruce face off with Ra's al Ghul
Arrow EP Marc Guggenheim says they realize that they've only ever shown flashbacks of John Diggle from when he was in the military.
Tom Cavanagh returns to the Flash this week as the Earth-2 Harrison Wells, but he comes bearing bad news and gets a chilly reception
Actress Katie McGrath explains why it's important for the season that Lena Luthor not know that Kara Danvers is really Supergirl.
Oliver Queen made a huge decision on the most recent episode of Arrow, and now Stephen Amell is talking about the character's future.
A quick recap and reaction to last night's Arrow episode, Tribute, where we see the return of Anatoly Knyazev while Oliver deals with his unmasking.
Arrow Season 6: An Inside Look At Episode 2, 'Tribute'
Now that on Supergirl, Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers and Samantha Arias are working together, what will happen when Reign comes?
With Barry Allen back on The Flash, what does that mean for Wally West aka Kid Flash? How long will he stay in the shadow of the Scarlet Speedster?
To go with the Arrow big name drop news yesterday, we now have a clip of Oliver Queen officially denying that he's the Green Arrow.
Last night's Legends of Tomorrow featured P.T. Barnum, B'wana Beast, the return of Amaya and an epic fight between Sara and Agent Sharpe.
On the next Arrow, Oliver Queen holds a press conference to defend himself against allegations that he is the Green Arrow, and name drops another DC hero