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Marvel's Inhumans Season 1, Episode 5 Recap: Something Inhuman This Way Comes
This article contains spoilers for the Marvel's Inhumans season one episode – Something Inhuman This Way Comes.
This was a much better episode for the series. It was faster paced and involved some good character development. The episode spent most of the time with Karnak as we find out that Reno was planning on double crossing his partners all along and tries to kill Karnak and Jen. He gets his when his real partners show up and kill him. We get to see Karnak in action and how he can see the flaws in things. The way he took the bullet out is how his powers work in the comics and showed well on the screen… except they had the bad result of causing Jen to get shot. We also got to see how upset Black Bolt got when he heard about what Maximus did to Medusa. The affection between the two really shown through this week. Even Gorgon got some good moments when he began tracking Karnak and we get a better idea of the big brother/little brother relationship between the two. We got some nice action with Karnak and Gorgon, but they chose to have the final fight with Black Bolt and Medusa take place off camera which worked emotionally… and was probably good on the budget, but I would like to have seen it.
The fact that Locus told Medusa that Crystal was on Earth showed that she saw something different in the Royals than she expected. Crystal on the other hand spent a day at the beach. Her story seems to be a delayed version of everyone else's. Find a human and get distracted for a while while you learn that they aren't as bad as you feared. Except her's is a bit more blatant. I have to say, Mordis impatience and sarcasm maybe the oddest and best thing about the series. Not what I expected form the second deadliest Inhuman.
I liked the episode quite a bit. The interesting thing here is that none of the Royals were really likable at the start, then we got to spend an episode with each and they got better as it went. Now I like Black Bolt, Medusa and Karnak… I kind of like Gorgon and it appears they are starting to change in their attitudes. Crystal still needs some help, but she's getting there. I don't know if I believe that they've changed so much that they would risk their lives to save the Dr. Declan and Sammy, but they will probably look at they way they are ruling differently going forward. I can see what the series is trying to do. We were supposed to side with Maximus in the beginning and slowly switch to the Royals as they grow as characters and more about Maximus is revealed. But that is a hard sell to a television audience especially when you put the first two episode in a movie theater. This series may be looked upon more favorably after it's complete.
We're down to the final three episodes and things are starting to move faster. Most of the Royal Family is back together except for Crystal who seems to be having her own little relationship adventure with the series Johnny Storm stand-in. They need to find her, Triton if he's still alive, rescue their new human friends, defeat the Inhumans on earth and then get back to the moon and defeat Maximus in the next three episodes. That's a lot to do in three hours of television.