Posted in: Adult Swim, Amazon Studios, Cartoon Network, Preview, Rick and Morty, streaming, Trailer, TV, YouTube | Tagged: Adult Swim, Amazon Prime, bleeding cool, butcher, cable, Homelander, prime video, rick and morty, streaming, television, the boys, The Seven, tv, Vought
The Boys: Eric Kripke Just Tied Rick and Morty for Best Response Ever
We're sorry to interrupt your re-re-rewatch of the first three episodes of Amazon Prime's The Boys, but it's rare when we get the opportunity to talk about not one but two of our favorite shows in the same article without it seeming like a blatant attempt at clickbait. But when series showrunner and executive producer Eric Kripke pulls off a feat so history-making, so Bartlett's Familiar Quotations-deserving that it elevates him to the same level as Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty in one key category for us, recognition is due.
In the Rick and Morty fourth season episode "One Crew over the Crewcoo's Morty" (directed by Bryan Newton and written by Caitie Delaney), Rick has a confrontation with the one person who personifies everything Rick hates about heist films, Miles Knightly. When the audience initially turns on Rick, our man with a Dr. Strange-like labcoat offered what is one of the best ways to express to anyone that you really don't give two s**ts about their negativity. It's perfect because it's two-fold: it dismisses the initial "boos" as being meaningless while also throwing just the right amount of disdain towards the things they would like.
Apparently, Kripke told someone to hold his Stillwell milk (too soon?) because during the Aisha Tyler-hosted Prime Rewind: Inside The Boys aftershow he let flow what now officially ties Rick and Morty as our ultimate response to stuff we just don't have the time or brain cells to process. We say it's a tie because they're too different to properly compare, but while one might be a bit blunter than the other they both get the job done (Bill Murray from Stripes pointing with the "You're Awesome" caption is also nice for irony). You can check out the clip below, and a huge thanks to Amazon Prime Video UK for wanting to make sure this gem receives the recognition it's due and without any context whatsoever:
The Boys: A Look at Season 2
A more intense, more desperate Season 2 of The Boys finds Butcher, Hughie, and the crew wanted by anything and everything with a superpower for the mess that was the first season. So what better time for our heroes to take the fight directly to Vought. Speaking of supes, it's not like Homelander (Antony Starr) has it any easier: Stormfront (Aya Cash) has her eyes on his leadership spot on The Seven- but her plans are much more "global" in nature. An even bigger "wild card" in all of this? The return of "retired" The Seven member Lamplighter (Shawn Ashmore), who ignites some painful memories and righteous anger.
The following second-season teaser picks up where things left off last time: a bloody Homelander meeting his son. From there, we have a bloody mess that finds A-Train (Jessie T. Usher) not doing so well; Homelander taking on Starlight (Erin Moriarty); Mr. Edgar (Giancarlo Esposito) stepping up his presence, The Deep (Chase Crawford) still trying to not be so shallow; a quick look at Butcher's good boy Terror, and more.
Amazon Prime Video also released a preview introducing Stormfront in all of her social media glory. In the opening scene, we get to see Vought's PR campaign making the public feel comfy about supes in the military just before the set gets a visitor, much to the chagrin of Homelander, Queen Maeve (Dominique McElligott), and public relation powerhouse Ashley (Colby Minifie). But Stormfront's not just there to make a name for herself, because she's already done that. That's because Mr. Edgar just named her as the late, not-so-great Translucent's (Alex Hassell) replacement- and Homelander's not happy.
Speaking of Mr. Edgar, during "The Boys F**kin' Reunion," Kripke previewed the first three minutes of the second season opener (at around the 47:30 mark) that plans are moving forward to embed supes with the military, with the Vought CEO and Secretary of Defense Robert Singer (Jim Beaver) negotiating "collateral damage" while Black Noir (Nathan Mitchell) takes care of a first-season threat.
In this clip, Butcher is reunited with the team- just in enough time to take off again to meet with a contact. To say that doesn't sit well with Hughie would be an understatement: he wants answers- and a new plan. Of course, there's no way that doesn't come across to Butcher as a challenge to his leadership. Yeah, Butcher isn't a big fan of being questioned. Following that, we see what happens post-whale impaling (yup): As The Deep mourns the loss of Lucy, he looks to convince Starlight that one day she might welcome him back on the team. Yeah, that's not gonna happen- until Stormfront steps in. Meanwhile, Homelander looks to go underground to continue the hunt:
On the side of The Boys, the series also stars Laz Alonso (The Mysteries of Laura) as second-in-command Mother's Milk, and Tomer Capon as unpredictable wild card Frenchie, a brutal warrior when who lives a life of no attachments or responsibilities. Also joining this season are Goran Visnjic, Claudia Doumit, Patton Oswalt, and a returning Malcolm Barrett.