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KISS And Comics Up A Tree, Arr Oh See Kay Eye Enn Gee!
"I'm a mother, my fifteen year old daughter is in there!"
Okay, so it was cliche. It was cheesy. But damn if it didn't rock! The Radical party at the Hard Rock must have cost a bomb and it was so the place to be. The walk of shame from the front of the queue contrasted heavily with the smugness of those who knew they were getting in. The drink was free, all of it and damn if it wasn't flowing. And with Ike Turner's Band, the Expendables, and then Nick Simmons playing with Gene Simmons and three quarters of KISS with everything from Elvis to some old KISS favourites, any Californian media cynicism just fell away. My neck? It's only tangentially conneting my head to my shoulders right now.
Highlights? Stan Lee, Wesley Snipes and Barry Levine in the VIP area doing shots. Joe Quesada getting down! Carrot Top failing to realise that bad superhero jokes are still bad jokes even at Comic Con. James Callis from Battlestar holding court of a bevy of ladies and people talking about comic books as if they actually matter. Which of course they damn well do.
You know what? Nick Simmons wrote and drew the comic book Incarnate for Radical. And it ain't half bad either. But it's nice to have your Dad on hand to promote it!