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Peter David Tweaks Rob Liefeld. Twice.
When Rob Liefeld objected to the "outing" of his character Shatterstar in X-Factor, he stated;
As the guy that created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry. Can't wait to someday undo this… Shatterstar is akin to Maximus in Gladiator. He's a warrior, a Spartan, and not a gay one.
At the time Peter David replied;
Now I'm definitely going to have Guido ask Shatterstar if he likes gladiator movies. And when Shatterstar says, "Yes, absolutely," Guido will say, "Figures."
Which is basically what happened in X-Factor #200.
Was that the end of it? Not a bit. Firstly in Nation-X, Rictor's jealously kicks off and we get these scenes;
Cardboard cut outs? Ponytail and shoulder pads? Naughty naughty Peter David…