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Russell T Davies To Write Matt Smith Doctor Who – And Jo Grant Too
The man who brought back Doctor Who to television five years ago and who recently handed over the keys to the TARDIS to Steven Moffat, is to return to the Doctor again. Russell T Davies will be writing the Eleventh Doctor, as portrayed by Matt Smith, in upcoming episodes of spinoff series The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Not only that but the two episodes will feature the seventies Doctor Who character Jo Grant played by Katy Manning. The Sarah Jane Adventures stars Elisabeth Sladen in the role she first played in Doctor Who in the seventies, and has proved a successful children's TV spinoff, featuring Doctor Who-creatures The Slitheen, Sontarans and K9 as well as Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart. And last year saw David Tennant play The Doctor towards the end of the series. The BBC promise that photos will be released later today.
But there's only one photo that Doctor Who fans will have in mind…