Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: archie, Comics, gay, gay marriage, lgbt, one million moms, toys r us
One Million Homophobic Moms Target Archie Comics And Toys R Us (UPDATED)
UPDATE: John Goldwater, c0-CEO of Archie Comics has responded to the story below. He writes;
"We stand by Life with Archie #16. As I've said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone. It's an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday. We're sorry the American Family Association/ feels so negatively about our product, but they have every right to their opinion, just like we have the right to stand by ours. Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate and narrow-minded people."
Despite a few Fox News commentators, the introduction of gay characters and gay marriage into Archie Comics had gone down rather smoothly. Celebrated even. Leading to sell out sales and positive vibes all round.
That was until conservative mother-focused pressure group One Million Moms began soliciting members to target Toys R Us, demanding they remove copies of Life With Archie from the shelves.
Select Toys 'R' Us stores are now selling 'Archie' comic books with a same-sex wedding displayed on the front cover. The front cover reads "Just Married" with two men marrying and one is wearing a service uniform. This comic book is being sold in select stores across the country. One example is the Queensbury, NY location in the upstate New York area.
Toys 'R' Us employees do not actually set up the displays; they leave this up to the vendor, but they should be aware of the merchandise being sold in their stores nonetheless. These comic books are sold at the front checkout counters so they are highly visible to employees, managers, customers and children. Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to same-sex marriage in a toy store. This is the last place a parent would expect to be confronted with questions from their children on topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, which is becoming extremely common and unnecessary.
A trip to the toy store turns into a premature discussion on sexual orientation and is completely uncalled for. Toys 'R' Us should be more responsible in the products they carry.
Please send Toys 'R' Us an email letter requesting they remove all the same-sex "Just Married – Archie" comic books immediately from their shelves.
NOTE: If you see a commercial or program which is offensive, email us the information. Many of you have done this, and it is very helpful.
Here's the form letter;
As a mother and a member of, I am extremely disappointed to learn that select Toys 'R' Us stores are now selling 'Archie' comic books with a same-sex wedding displayed on the front cover. I am referring to the ones where the front cover reads "Just Married" with two men marrying, one wearing a service uniform.
I am aware that Toys 'R' Us employees do not actually set up the displays; they leave this up to the vendor. Your company should be aware of the merchandise being sold in your stores nonetheless. These comic books are displayed at the front checkout counters so they are highly visible to employees, managers, customers and children.
Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to same-sex marriage in your toy store. This is the last place a parent would expect to be confronted with questions from their children on topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, which is becoming extremely common and unnecessary.
A trip to the toy store turns into a premature discussion on sexual orientation and is completely uncalled for. Toys 'R' Us should be more responsible in the products they carry.
Please remove all the same-sex "Just Married – Archie" comic books immediately from your shelves. My decision to shop in your stores depends on it.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern
Of course, for some reason, the existence of Ken and Barbie dolls don't trigger discussions about sexual orientation. And what if a child's kindergarten friend has gay parents? Is it too soon for them to pick up their child at the same time as yours?
Archie Comics isn't showing scenes of leather S&M gear, sauna houses or even a Gay Pride flotilla. It is just trying to portray gay couples in a similar fashion to straight couples. Seriously, what else is there to explain?
And why did One Million Moms decide to skip the Life With Archie issues that portrayed not only future Archie getting married to different women, but also getting divorced? When is it okay to have that discussion?
Of course you could rewrite the form letter to anything you fancied. I doubt it will make it through to Toys R Us, but it might make a point to One Million Bigots…