DC Comics Absolute Event Planned for The End Of 2025... and might we get an Absolute Detective Chimp from Scott Snyder?
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, marvel, simone bianchi, thanos
Yup, It's The Birth Of Thanos
We made an educated guess. And it paid off. Marvel has announced Thanos Rising, the origin story of the character made even more popular by about two seconds in The Avengers movie credits, by A-Listers Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi.
The series affords readers a rare glimpse into the ultimate nihilist's early days on his far-off home planet Titan and the major events that lead to his life of cosmic infamy.
This, presumably, is why the Thanos: Son Of Titan origin comic by Joe Keatinge and Richard Elson was cancelled after solicitation and USA Today promotion.
See, it's not just DC Comics who do this.

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