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The Official Trailer To NBC's Constantine TV Series
Okay, so this trailer can't be viewed by us folks in the UK.
But it can by those in the US.
So tell me how it is, okay?
UPDATE: I've just taken my own advice… It's also available for non-US viewers over here as well.
So we have "bollocks", the old disparity between mental illness and demonic possession and a good measure of self deprecation. That last bit instantly sets this acres away from the movie version. Yes, he's English (ish) blonde and trenchcoat, though not Liverpudlian and not looking like Sting. And while a certain someone won't want the credit, no mention of Steve Bissette or John Totleben that I can see…
A little bit Sleepy Hollow, a little bit Sixth Sense, a little bit Guy Ritchie Mockney…