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Kevin J Anderson Talks Star Wars Canon, The New Movies And The Novels
Mimi Cruz of Night Flight Comics was on hand to record (with permission) journalist Kathy Jones talking to novelist Kevin J Anderson (and Peter J Wacks) about the upcoming new Star Wars movies and the likelihood that they will completely ignore the continuity of all the Star Wars novels published.
We were writing sequels to Return Of The Jedi because at that time there were not supposed to be any movies ever made so we wrote our own sequels, there were a hundred or some total novels in all different parts of the timeframe and ours were some of them. Well, as it so happens now there is going to be Star Wars 7 that JJ Abrams is going to be doing . Well when you're doing a brand new movie, starting effectively from scratch, blank slate, the person, JJ Abrams trying to do the movie doesn't want to have to take into account 100 novels that have been written by 35 different writers.
I would be surprised that there isn't something pulled from some of those books somewhere
I've worked a lot in comics, I've read a lot of comics, we're all perfectly used to rebooting Batman, rebooting Spider-Man, rebooting Superman. This is effectively that. They are going to do Star Wars 7 and they're rebooting it based only on Return Of The Jedi going forward.
I would love it if they made a movie of my books but I never expected that was going to happen, the part that I like the most is the fact that they like the books enough that they are actually keeping them in print, put them into their own separate universe, called the Legends Universe, they're all still out there, readers like your son who understand what the real story is, can read those, so.. I don't have as much heartburn as some other people have for it.
Here's the audio. And no, Mimi has not seen STar ars.
[audio:•-Kathy-Jones.m4a]The particpants in that chat are also part of Stories for Students, a new education initiative created by WordFire Press for teachers and students. WordFire is a co-op of best selling and new authors pooling resources to reach new markets and readers.
Stories for Students is designed to provide greater access to reading materials as well as workbooks and additional resources for teachers to assist with their lesson plans.
They are launching this new program at Wonder Con, featuring books by a number of best selling authors, which will be offered to teachers for free. In the coming months, books and new resources will added as the program becomes larger.
Some of the authors participating with Stories for Students include Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Peter J. Wacks and Peter S. Beagle with others to be announced soon.