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Comics Folk React To The Death Of Carrie Fisher
Reaction from comic industry and comic-related folk to the news of the death of Carrie Fisher has been swift and sudden, today. Here are some examples of the outpouring of grief. I expect there to be a hundrdfold examples today.
If there ever was a princess for a little gay boy to aspire to be, Carrie Fisher epitomized it. Continuously. 🙌🏽
— Kevin Wada (@kevinwada) December 27, 2016
A princess in the movies, in real life a queen.
You made millions of girls think we could do anything.
Thank you, Carrie Fisher.
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) December 27, 2016
Are you shitting me? Carrie Fisher? Carrie Fisher. Princess Leia. How. How is this a thing.
— satan's niece 🏳️🌈 (@MagsVisaggs) December 27, 2016
My life goal as a kid was to have buns like Leia. I had a definitely flammable Star Wars bedspread cause of her. RIP @carrieffisher 😰
— Felicia Day (@feliciaday) December 27, 2016
— Kelly Sue DeConnick (@kellysue) December 27, 2016
Carrie was hilarious, brilliant, courageous and beautiful. In her final year she was more vital and beloved than ever. I hope she felt it.
— Andy Khouri (@andykhouri) December 27, 2016
Devastated and absolutely crushed by Carrie Fisher passing. What an incredible, strong, hilarious woman.
— Marc Ellerby (@MarcEllerby) December 27, 2016
Carrie Fisher's death is hitting me deep in my guts, she was such a badass writer and actress and human and we were lucky to have her
— Shannon Watters (@shanito) December 27, 2016
Was dreading this happening. #RIP Carrie Fisher. You were a firecracker and a wonder #SheIsOneWithTheForceTheForceIsWithHer
— Jean Gay 🏳️🌈🔥🦅 (@JosephGlass) December 27, 2016
Sorry, hate to swear, but FUCK YOU 2016. You were a legend Carrie. ❤
— Liam 'Sharpy' Sharp (@LiamRSharp) December 27, 2016
Oh, no. 😢Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher. May the Force Be with You.
— Mel Caylo (@melcaylo) December 27, 2016
Gutted about Carrie Fisher. Like many young girls, Princess Leia was my anchor to the Star Wars world.
— Rhi Pratchett (@rhipratchett) December 27, 2016
This year was the first year I ever dressed up as a princess. I'm glad it was her.
— Noelle Stevenson ✨ SHE-RA S5 MAY 15 (@Gingerhazing) December 27, 2016
Heartbreaking. I don't even have words right now. 😢
— Jody Houser ✒️🗯️🎲 (@Jody_Houser) December 27, 2016
I don't even know what to say anymore. This year has taken so many heroes. Thank you, Carrie Fisher, for being amazing.
— Jen '100% staying indoors' Williams (@sennydreadful) December 27, 2016
A very, very sad farewell to our first love, our Princess and our hero, Carrie Fisher. May the Force be with you.
— Forbidden Planet (@ForbiddenPlanet) December 27, 2016
May the force always be with you, Princess Leia.
— Decomixado (@decomixado) December 27, 2016
I have too much to do to deal with the grief that just hit me. Carrie Fisher was so much, she was so… dammit. I gotta just focus on work.
— Menachem Luchins (@EscapePodComics) December 27, 2016
Carrie Fisher was a great woman for all that she did raising awareness of mental health regardless of anything else she did. She mattered.
— Bevis Musson (@bevismusson) December 27, 2016
fuck no. this fucking year.
— Veronica Cristina (@veronicacris) December 27, 2016
All of these women tweeting about the inspiration Carrie Fisher was. I'm going to spend the rest of the day crying.
— Sarah Cotten (@sarahcottentail) December 27, 2016
Thank you Carrie Fisher for being a great example, of a princess who saves herself on the screen, and of recovery in real life. 💗
— Branwyn Bigglestone (@Biggletron) December 27, 2016
I'm deeply saddened to learn of the death of Carrie Fisher. I will miss our banterings. A wonderful talent & light has been extinguished.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 27, 2016
I thought I was handling Carrie Fisher and then I thought about poor Gary and I completely lost it.
— Hannah Shaw-Williams (@HSW3K) December 27, 2016
Nooooooooo :(
— Becky Cloonan 🔮 (@beckycloonan) December 27, 2016
Unbearable… I had such hope for her. #RIPCarrieFisher #tears
— Trish Mulvihill (@trishm) December 27, 2016
So very sad,..
— J.M. DeMatteis (@JMDeMatteis) December 27, 2016
So sad to hear about Carrie Fisher passing. :(
— Mat Masters (@TheMatMasters) December 27, 2016
I'm not gonna lie, if an actual meteor struck in the next 4 days, it might actually be an improvement
— Iván Brandon (@IvanBrandon) December 27, 2016
Goodbye, Carrie Fisher. You were smart and funny and weird and awesome.
— Andy Diggle (@andydiggle) December 27, 2016
Heart. Broken. #Legend #RIPCarrieFisher— Morgan Spurlock (@MorganSpurlock) December 27, 2016
Aw, geez. Terrible news.
— LAYMAN (@themightylayman) December 27, 2016
Fuck you, 2016.
— Meghan (@MeghanHetrick) December 27, 2016
She wasn't just our princess, she was possibly the greatest script doctor to ever live. We lost one of the great writers today.
— C. Robert Cargill (@Massawyrm) December 27, 2016
Princess Leia was 1st female trading card I had ever seen. Taped that card to my bedroom wall in 1977. Thank u, @carrieffisher=inspiration.
— Jennifer Schwalbach (@JenSchwalbach) December 27, 2016
I just realized how destroyed I'm going to be when I see Carrie Fisher in Episode VIII next year
— Hope 💫💖 (@HopeMullinax) December 27, 2016
It's official: the four letter word starting with F is the word I said more times this year, more than any other years…
Fu#kFu#kFu#kFu#k!— Francesco Francavilla (@f_francavilla) December 27, 2016
A photo posted by TONYEFFINGHARRIS! (@tonyeffingharris) on
Nope nope nope nope.
— Katie Cook (@katiecandraw) December 27, 2016
But never forget that she was important as a writer, too. Novels, non-fic, scripts, script doctoring. It's crushing to lose her voice.
— Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) December 27, 2016
These were good changes- takes away characters 'feeding lines' to each other and makes it more natural.
— Parker: SOCIAL D (@jeffparker) December 27, 2016
I have just one #CarrieFisher story to share,, but she and her work on screen and in print will be sorely missed.
— bobgreenberger (@bobgreenberger) December 27, 2016
"My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today."
The Black Rabbit of Inle has been so busy this year.
— Laurenn McCubbin (@laurennmcc) December 27, 2016
RIP Carrie Fisher
— Cool Comic Art (@CoolComicArt) December 27, 2016
I will miss her honesty, her bravery, her wit, her refusal to take anyone's shit. The world is a lesser place.
— Swapna Krishna (@skrishna) December 27, 2016
This is the worst one, for me, by far. I am deeply and profoundly saddened. Just hugged my kids. We're all upset.
— Ian D. Sharman (@idsharman) December 27, 2016
Carrie thank you for being part of our family. RIP you glorious woman!
— Los Angeles Comic Con (@comicconla) December 27, 2016
To me, she's royalty 💔💔💔
— Chris D'Lando (@DlandoCalrisian) December 27, 2016
Sigh. Rest well Princess. May the Universe carry our love to you in the next stage of being whatever that is.
— Derek Ruiz 🇵🇷 (@DerekRuiz) December 27, 2016
RIP Carrie Fisher. Fighting until the end. Utterly gutted.
— Tony Lee (@mrtonylee) December 27, 2016
Oh god fucking damn it
— Patrick Willems (@patrickhwillems) December 27, 2016
Oh man. I'm pretty heartbroken. #CarrieFisher
— Mahmud Asrar (@MahmudAsrar) December 27, 2016
Before Carrie Fisher, "Princess" was a condescension. She made it stand for strength, class, brains, wit & fire. RIP everyone's 1st crush.
— Jason Latour (@jasonlatour) December 27, 2016
Numb. Unbelievable that such a bright funny loving spark could be extinguished. @carrieffisher you will be missed. I wish you peace.
— graham norton (@grahnort) December 27, 2016
Author, Actor, Script Doctor, Bon Vivant, Fearless Wit, Princess to this rebel (and all us rebels.) I love you @carrieffisher
— cecil castellucci (@misscecil) December 27, 2016
If anyone needs me, I'll be putting my family, my cats, my friends, Brett Favre & Harrison Ford in a protective bunker until January 1st.
— Marc Lombardi (@marclombardi) December 27, 2016
God really sad to hear about Carrie. RIP. #icon
— jock (@Jock4twenty) December 27, 2016
Who's going to take care of Gary?! :(
— Julie Benson (@TheJulieBenson) December 27, 2016
All the wrong people are dying.
— Greg Rucka (@ruckawriter) December 27, 2016
Oh, Carrie Fisher, you just broke my heart all over again. RIP, Princess.
— Paul Jenkins (@mypauljenkins) December 27, 2016
Saddest tweets to tweet. Mommy is gone. I love you @carrieffisher
— Gary Fisher (@Gary_TheDog) December 27, 2016