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Waiting For Shatner…
The Big Apple Comic Con diet:
1. Eat a lot from the hotel complimentary buffet. A lot. No seriously. Put a croissant in your pocket.
2. Walk and walk and walk and walk around the booth that William Shatner is signing in waiting for a prearranged interview until you lose ten pounds. Don't eat. You'll forget to.
3. Trek (geddit) back to the Avatar booth when finally, after four hours, you're told it's not going to happen and you've missed the Marvel panel.
See? Almost as if I'd planned it. And I am fit! Fit I tell you! My calf muscles are like watermelons.
And I am so warming to the lack of carpet in many areas. Okay, it's hell on the feet, but damn if it doesn't make the lightsabre battles taking place so much more threatening. And the Bottomless Backless Kilt Scottish Sucide Girl even more enticing.
Yes, everyone loves Bottomless Backless Kilt Scottish Suicide Girl.
Friday has been a slow day compared to other Wizard Worlds. But I think what's really happening is that this is the old Big Apple Con with room to stretch. It's quite refreshing. Tomorrow is expected to be a madhouse however.
Artists Alley is shaping up as the highlight of the show, with a traditional eclectic mix from Jerry Robinson to Adam Hughes, Mark Bode to Billy Tan and Billy Tucci to, well, Billy Tucci. Have a look at some of them.
Today I learned that Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards comic book Turf will have aliens in it as well as gangster vampires, that Billy Tan has an abandoned creator owned comic he wants to return to, that Jim Cheung not only grew up in Ealing, London a few doors away from where I once lived but is back on Young Avengers, that Jimmy Fingeroth is also teaching the world about comics, and may be adding another class to Bleeding Cool, and that some DC people are very freaked out about the future. I probably haven't helped, there.
Well, if you want to bawl me out I'm on 6262162780 for the weekend. All my other phones are dead. For now.
UPDATE: Bottomless Backless Kilt Scottish Suicide Girl has been told to put on tights. And has done.
UPDATE UPDATE: OM has been doing some heavy lifting on the BleedingCool boards, screencapping the live coverage. Give him the love and check out the sights.