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Kick-Ass Lobby Poster – And Does Millar Hint At Scorsese For Nemesis?
Over at Millarworld, Mark is giving it his usual schtick.
Okay, am pretty drunk. I downed many Guinnesses as my gang re-watched Spidey 2 tonight (a master-piece, btw) and am now weirdly wide awake. But have spoken to three directors about the Nemesis movie in the past seven days, none of whom have read the scripts and all of whom are basing our chats entirely on the visuals and high concepts you guys have seen.
Anyway, as you know I don't want anyone to see this until the whole series is written and that's at least into next month. THAT SAID, the director I got hooked up with early this evening is literally one of the best in the biz. He's someone I totally trust in terms of movie-making and he knows his comics too. We chatted about the property for an hour and his ideas were insane, the stuff that had me buzzing being his notion of DiCaprio as Nemesis versus Daniel Day-freakin-Lewis as America's best cop.
Yes, just maybe the two greatest actors in contemporary cinema.
He's friends with one of these guys, reckons we could be in production by the end of the year and the movie out possibly as early as 2012, which is just insane. My plan was to hold off til March and take advantage of the Kick-Ass movie hoopla, but to be honest it doesn't get much better than this. I love movies and I love comics and this guys speaks our language. I'm wasted and ready for bed, but also v excited at the prospect.
What do you guys reckon? Should I stick to my guns and wait until the script is finished next month or take this off the market and go with one of the best modern directors around?
PS Quite brilliantly, he also suggested Tobey Maguire. Who, of course, is an absolutely brilliant actor and, let's face it, feels quite comfortable in a pair of tights. It would be a great headline too for those, like me, who are gloing to miss that wee guy as Spider-Man.
I'm not the only one who tooks his hints as directed towards Martin Scorsese. But of course it could be anyone, and anything could have happened – and Scorsese is busy on his HBO show at the moment. Any major directors seen in London this weekend?
Fun to watch Mark in full flow though, eh?