Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Angoulême, bd, Comics, france
Inching Along With Tim Fish At Angoulême
Tim Fish reports from Angoulême for Bleeding Cool
Tim Fish here (writer/artist of CAVALCADE OF BOYS and some Marvel bits like in NATION X), reporting on the International Festival, day three.
I've been to the festival a number of times, and much like other big festivals, it's a great way to see friends who you see just once a year. Adding to the sweetness is the wide diversity of the comics you see… from super-hero fare, manga, indie publishers, mini comics, as well as the big euro-publishers you might think of.
My day three began by finally visiting the museum and exposition hall, for the first , time ever. No slights intended to U.S. comics museums, but the French take this so seriously, the museum is Smithsonian-calibre.
Hopping across the street, I joined Abby and Jeff in attending a packed house to hear Riyoko Ikeda, the famous manga-ka of THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES…almost as many people as I saw at the DOCTOR WHO panel in San Diego. It was a very rare opportunity to see a famous artist (who tend to be somewhat reclusive). My French is pretty basic so I got lost pretty quickly. At the pro lounge I got to see her press conference as well, and Abby got to have a quick chat with her.
Unlike Comic Con or New York Comic Con in the huge convention centers, the festival is set up into many semi-permanent pavilions. Walking from pavilion to pavalion even on Saturday is an open and pleasant experience. But inside the pavilions, Saturday afternoon, the thick crowds inching along are just as frustrating as any big U.S. show.
I made it to my signing, late, at the Scarce booth. And then eagerly went to Xavier's lecture about American comics. Given my language skills, I set out to be supportive, as he was terrified no one would attend. However, it was standing room only! Yay! Sadly, it was cut short due to a scheduling snafu.
For me, the festival closing Saturday evening was the end, and while I saw a lot this year, I never did make it to the pavilion featuring the official selections (think Eisner nominees for CCI). The big winner was something to do with cavemen. I think.