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Original Art To Amazing Spider-Man #1, #2, #3 And X-Men #1, #2, #5 – Not Stolen, Honest
There has been lots of talk about what happened to the original art of comic creators working for Marvel and DC in the sixties and seventies. Especially considering that much of it become rather valuable. Some was returned, some was destroyed, some was lost, some was given away and some… well…
One day in the mid 80's, Brad was in the local comic shop he frequented when two young men entered the store with a bundle of comic art to sell the owner. Brad was stunned as the art turned out to be originals by Steve Ditko. The actual original Marvel art pages from complete stories to Amazing Spider-Man unfolded before his eyes–ASM issue 4 with Sandman, the third issue with the first appearance of Doc Ock, issue 2 featuring the Vulture and finally the complete original art to the historic Amazing Spider-Man number
The two men offered the whole lot, four issues of originals, to the shop keeper for $2000. Brad couldn't believe it–the shop keeper either couldn't afford it or didn't want to buy the art but Brad absolutely did. Between what he had in his pocket and a loan from the shop keeper he was able to scrape together $700. Brad offered to give the men the $700 as a down payment but they wouldn't take it. They needed the full $2000. Brad desperately tried to buy just one of the stories, the ASM 1, for the $700 but they wouldn't take that either. However, they were willing to meet Brad back at the comic shop the next day and do the deal if Brad had all the money. Brad figured he would never see the men again.
The next day Brad was surprised to find the men back at the shop just as they had agreed. Brad was ready with the cash. Unfortunately, the men explained that they had found a guy to give them $2000 for the ASM 1 story alone, and they sold the book and the other Spidey stories to that same guy as well.
However, they did have some good news for Brad. They had with them additional art that included the complete stories to X-Men 5, 2 and the complete art boards to the first appearance of the X-Men–issue 1–all by Jack Kirby. Brad asked them how they were able to get all this art. The young men explained that it all was very legit. They promised the books weren't stolen–they just couldn't talk about it. Brad wasn't about to argue–he was able to buy the complete X-men 1 story for $400, and the other original X-books as well for the paltry sum of $200 a piece.
From the Original Comic Art Locator… and more to come apparently.