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7SI Games, Comics, Collectibles in Columbia Drops the Comics, Blames Diamond
Comic store 7SI Games, Comics, Collectibles has just closed. It will reopen on the 1st of February as 2nd Player Video Games – Columbia, a second store for that firm. On Facebook, the shop explained the change.
They will NOT be carrying comics! for those that DONT know, "Diamond" is the WORST Distribution/ COMPANY IN HISTORY, EVER! SO MUCH of a pain to deal with we're giving them the proverbial finger, and SO much of headache, that 2nd Player Video Games – Columbia is like "NO Effen WAY!" we're not dealing with their crap either (so if you're a big comic nerd, just know that DIAMOND is destroying the industry faster than anything else ever could. ——-> THANK YOU to all our Amazing patrons! We're not "Closing" – We're leveling up!!
#CustomersFIRST! #LevelUp #DiamondIsAjoke
for anyone looking to replace us as your (COMICS) destination, we'd recommend Cosmic Ray's (is a little closer to "our side") and Scratch N' Spin(out towards the Lexington and Downtown area) BOTH are great shops that WE shop @ and have always endorsed!
Diamond Comic Distributors is the exclusive distributor of Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Valiant, Archie and many more publishers to the direct market of comic stores. If you want to open a comic shop and want to see new comics from these folks, Diamond has a monopoly on that opportunity. And while that creates economies of scale, the company, and those it distributes, have received criticism for this set-up which discourages competition in the marketplace.
This is a rare example of a store giving up on comic books as a result though, while still selling everything else.
Bleeding Cool regularly marks the passing of comic book stores, but also the birth of new ones. Do let us know the state of comic book stores in your community.