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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 Reveals The New (SPOILER)
Last night at midnight saw the release of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26.
(W) Kyle Higgins, Ryan Ferrier (A) Daniele Di Nicuolo, Bachan (CA) Jamal Campbell
After the shocking events of the last issue, Lord Drakkon's victory seems assured-unless the Rangers can find a way to team up with another team of Power Rangers they've never met before! In Shops: Apr 18, 201
After Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 (SPOILERS) killed the Green Ranger last month – along with maybe the members of Time Force, who we will always fondly remember – fans were curious about how the death would be handled.
(And, based on sales, if they'd even be able to get a copy after BOOM! Studios told the C2E2 Diamond Summit how one retailer said they sold 500 copies of issue #25 in 15 minutes)
Well, the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 – which I'm hearing may already be sold at Diamond – makes it clear that Tommy's dead. And that he might not be the only Ranger meeting this fate.
But that's not the big secret that BOOM! has been hiding from press. Nor the one about Free Comic Book Day's Power Rangers either (more spoilers over there).
In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 writer Kyle Higgins runs through every potential theory about how Tommy could still be kinda-not-dead very quickly and the Power Rangers have little time to mourn their fallen friend as Lord Drakkon begins his assault on the world of Power Rangers Samurai…and wins pretty easily.
This marks the first appearance of the Samurai team in BOOM! Studios comics and their first team up with the Mighty Morphin team…which would be a much happier affair if not for those final few pages of the issue that BOOM! Studios has been hiding from so many press. But from a comic that went on sale at midnight last night…
Yeah, that's right. Lord Drakkon is upgrading his costume, adding a Samurai flair and new powers to boot. So we've got the first appearance of a new version of Lord Drakkon – I can see the action figures in the not-so-distant future – and another team of Power Rangers destroyed?
I've been hearing rumblings that this event is going to have a very surprising ending and judging by the quick sell-outs of previous chapters – plus this issue FOCing before issue #25 hit stands – if you didn't get a copy at midnight, you might want to give someone a call.
Or if your store wasn't one of the late nighters, maybe pop by a little earlier today?