Heavy Metal Magazine relaunch joins Lunar Distribution through the Massive Indies programme, even though Massive failed to publish it before.
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Marvel's 12 Exclusive Retailer Variants For October 2018
Seven used to be the magic number when it came to Marvel Comics and exclusive retailer variants. In September, retailers had eight opportunities to get their very own exclusive cover to a Marvel comic book. And in October? That magic number has leapt to twelve.
And all they have to do is order 3000 copies of it and pay the artist… and that's how marketshare is made.
Here are the twelve October titles and the date by which retailer exclusive variants must be ordered.
- SUPERIOR OCTOPUS #1 (Order by 8/24)
- X-MEN: BLACK – MAGNETO #1 (Order by 8/24)
- SPIDER-GEDDON #1 (Order by 8/31)
- X-MEN: BLACK – MOJO #1 (Order by 8/31)
- SHURI #1 (Order by 9/7)
- THE UNSTOPPABLE WASP #1 (Order by 9/7)
- VENOM ANNUAL #1 (Order by 9/7)
- X-MEN: BLACK – MYSTIQUE #1 (Order by 9/7)
- BLACK PANTHER VS. DEADPOOL #1 (Order by 9/14)
- SPIDER-GWEN: GHOST-SPIDER #1 (Order by 9/14)
- X-MEN: BLACK – JUGGERNAUT #1 (Order by 9/14)
- X-MEN: BLACK – EMMA FROST #1 (Order by 9/21)

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