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Heroes In Crisis #9 Ends in May, With a DC Hero Found Guilty of the Murders…
From Tom King and Clay Mann, the final issue of Heroes In Crisis #9 is lined up by DC Comics in their May 2019 solicitations.
The most-talked about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale' The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comrades, or will they need to close up shop? The answers will be found in the ashed of this final showdown, and the fates of Booster Gold. Harley Quinn and the rest hang in the balance.
I mean, spoilers, it might be one of the heroes we expected…Depends if Tom King listened to Dan Jurgens or not. But also no sign of Brian Azzarello's Suicide Squad relaunch in May 2019 solicitations, so we will see…