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IDW Publish New Star Trek: Discovery Comic in August, Details Would Spoil Season Two Finale…
IDW are hitting the headlines for reasons they might not want to be right now.
And also hitting the headlines for reasons they would.
Including at Wondercon yesterday, announcing a new Star Trek: Discovery comic book series, launching in August.
I mean… there's nothing else to say about it right now. Other that it is Star Trek. It is Discovery. And is a five-issue series starting in August.
The reason being that any details may spoil whatever happens in the Season Two finale. So they are keeping it schtum right now. But could it have anything to do with this being announced in the IDW panel featuring the Writer's Room for the Star Trek Original Series: Season Five comic book FOCing right now?
We've had Pike, Spock, Mudd and Number One – who else may be joining the show at the end of this season?
Either way, IDW could probably do with some positive publicity right now.
IDW have previously published two four-issue miniseries with Star Trek Discovery, The Light of Kahless and Succession – and two one-shots, Annual 2018 and Captain Saru, since they got the license two years ago. More to come…