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Jimmy Palmiotti to Publish Marvel/DC Crossover, Painkiller Jane/The Monolith
Jimmy Palmiotti is currently appearing at AwesomeCon in Washington DC. If you pop by his and Amanda Conner's booth, you may get a glimpse of something special. Because Palmiotti has launched a Kickstarter for their an original Painkiller Jane graphic novel. It's rather special. And not just the Bill Sienkiewicz cover.
Painkiller Jane created by Jimmy Palmiotti and Joe Quesada was first published by Event Comics in 1995 in a five-issue mini-series, but then continued publication in other series and crossovers, written by Jimmy Palmiotti and drawn by other artists. Other publishers of Painkiller Jane series along the way included Dynamite and Marvel's Icon imprint. Oh yes, and it was also turned into a 2005 film starrng Emmanuelle Vaugier and a 2007 TV series starring Kristanna Loken from SYFY. More are in development with – and starring – Jessica Chastain.
Painkiller Jane, otherwise known as Jane Vasko begins as an undercover police officer attempting to infiltrate the Fonti Mob. After gaining the trust of mob boss Joey Fonti, she is given the assignment of passing a message on to rival gang member Adam, not realizing that an explosive device has been planted on her. As she meets her target, the explosion causes significant injuries, but Adam is uninjured. Through mysterious means, he manages to revive Jane, giving her superhuman regenerative powers in the process. Jane Vasko was suddenly virtually indestructible, minor injuries heal in seconds, and do not even slow her down; more major ones tend to take a few minutes. However, the healing power does not stop the injuries from hurting, which is where her new name came from. Other than that, she is a skilled fighter and master of undefined martial arts, as well as a master marksman with her weapons of choice; a pair of handguns. Leaving her life as a police officer behind, she becomes the vigilante Painkiller Jane. The validity of this origin is unclear, as a completely different origin has been presented in the first Painkiller Jane miniseries, and the Dynamite Comics' miniseries contain references to both versions of the characters' origin.
The new book drawn by Juan Santacruz, coloured by Dan Kemp and lettered by John J Hill will be published by PaperFilms, owned by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.
It will also team Jane up with the monster that patrols the streets at night, The Monolith, a character that Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti created for DC Comics years ago, fihhting the likes of Superman, to which the rights have now reverted and this is the first time we have seen the character since the series ended way back when.
This is also the first crossover we have seen between solo characters published by Marvel and published by DC Comics, in decades. And just because it's cming out from Paper Films through Kickstarter doesn't make that any less valid.
The pair investigate a chain of missing children that leads them to a multi-state human trafficking ring in a page story with 22 pages of pinup, covers and art material.