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Absolute Flash #1 Preview by Jeff Lemire, Nick Robles & Adriano Lucas

Absolute Flash #1 Preview by Jeff Lemire, Nick Robles and Adriano Lucas from DC Comics, the latest Absolute Comics title.

Article Summary

  • Explore Absolute Flash #1 by Jeff Lemire, set in the intriguing Absolute Universe from DC Comics.
  • Wally West takes on challenges as THE FLASH in a universe devoid of mentors and Speed Force.
  • Discover the intriguing connections between Absolute titles planned by top creators.
  • Anticipate epic showdowns in Absolute Flash #2 as Wally faces the formidable Fort Fox.

We have a first look inside the pages of the upcoming Absolute Flash #1 by Jeff Lemire, Nick Robles, Adriano Lucas and Tom Napolitano, as part of the Absolute Universe from DC Comics. With Wally West as the Absolute Flash, "Without the mentor…without the family…without the Speed Force." Absolute Flash #1 will be published on the 19th of March… and will probably be the bestselling comic book in comic book stores that week. As Jeff Lemire says…

  • IS ABSOLUTE FLASH A LIMTED SERIES OR AN ONGOING? Absolute Flash is very much an ongoing series. I'm plotting issues 12-24 now.
  • WILL ALL THE ABSOLUTE BOOKS EVENTUALLY CONNECT? Yes. Scott, Kelly, Jason, Deniz, Al and myself meet every other week virtually to plan out the larger Absolute Universe. We are thinking far ahead and there is a plan in place for these characters to eventually connect. We don't want to rush anything and we want to make these eventual meeting matter. I will say that the first seeds of a bigger connection between titles happens at the end of Absolute Flash #1 and that leads into the Free Comic Book Day story that I wrote where we see all the Absolute characters between the same cover for the first time.
  • IS HE KID FLASH or IS HE THE FLASH? Wally is THE FLASH. There is no Kid Flash in this universe. There are no other Flashes before Wally. He is a teenager, but he is very much THE FLASH.
  • WHAT ABOUT BARRY ALLEN and JAY GARRICK Barry is in issue #1. Can't say more yet. And Jay…wait and see.



(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Nick Robles
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor…without the family…without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 3/19/2025

(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Nick Robles
CAN WALLY WEST OUTRUN THE ROGUES?! Wally West is on the run from his dad and the rest of Fort Fox, and while his new-found abilities are terrifying him, he needs to find a way to use them to make his escape. But how will he handle the elite group his father sent to bring him back? Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 4/16/2025

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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