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Alisa Norris, *That* Supergirl Cosplayer, Wants To Give Her Side. Again.
Recently, Bleeding Cool ran a couple of stories about cosplayer and adult entertainer, and a life model for Supergirl for DC Comics creators. Alisa Norris, better known as Alisa Kiss, attended the rally at Charlottesville amongst white supremacists including her husband, Jonathon Norris. In conversation, she stated that she was only "along for the ride" but her statements about "blood and soil" and non-white immigration into Europe did a lot suggest otherwise.
After the articles ran, she posted a further response to Facebook. She wrote:
After taking a few days, I have some words to say now to actual friends, acquaintances, and fans that I had and whoever else would like to listen. The "journalist" had his chance to trash my character, and I would like to be given a chance to tell my side. When Jonathon told me he was going to Unite the Right, I had no idea the true magnitude of what it was. He was riding there with another couple from Florida and I said I didn't have desire to go. Anyone who knows me knows I don't feel strongly about politics, I dislike long car rides, and standing in the heat to hear some long speeches didn't seem like that great of a destination for such a long trip. When he relayed that news to the couple, the guy said his wife was disappointed and had really wanted to make a girl friend and that she was super sad. I had been without any new friends in Florida for 5 months, and I decided it might be a good opportunity to make a friend on a road trip and the only other option was to stay behind and be alone at the house I'd been cooped up in for months so I decided to go. I'd been depressed from lack of socialization in a new town. It was more a double date to me than anything and I thought it was a Right wing rally about the confederate monument removal. The name of the event suggested no more to me. They were southern nationalists (something I had never heard of) and Christians and they were all about southern heritage and history. Not my usual crowd but seemed like really sweet people and she and I had common interests like fitness and love of animals. I wanted to give them a chance and get back out there socially, and the car ride itself was awesome. We talked about everything under the sun.
As soon as we got to the rally the next day on Saturday, I saw much more of what it was. I was not comfortable, and we were met with screaming counter protestors (Antifa and Black Lives Matter among other groups) early on pepper spraying us and throwing bottles of urine, balloons with paint, and who knows what else. The Left side had masks and weapons. The Right side had shields and helmets to protect from stuff being thrown in their direction. As the violence escalated, it was quickly shut down and declared an unlawful assembly and a State of Emergency. I was personally relieved and we started making our way back to the parking lot two miles away, but had to go through a sea of angry counter protestors. It was nerve wracking, and I was holding hands to not be separated. I never chanted anything, and was trying to make it back to the car in one piece.
Later on when more information and truth started to come out we learned that the mayor had ordered the police to "stand down" and had orchestrated the entire event to erupt into violence and chaos. It had been in planning for months to unfold the way it did. The Right side had a permit and had speeches lined up. Whatever anyone feels about their beliefs, they were doing everything they could to stay within the law and were within their constitutional rights. I've heard many say "You have freedom of speech but expect consequences." Well, if the police and government do not protect you from the public physically attacking you, is "free speech" really still free? The Left side did not have a permit and was blocking the streets. They would do anything and everything to prevent view points from being spoken that they found to be controversial or that they didn't agree with.
It was a tragic and terrible day. What happened with the car attack was terrible and sad.
I don't hate anyone and am not a white supremacist or racist by any stretch. I thought anyone who knew me would know that, but apparently not, and my heart was broken by that realization. So many of my non white and LGBT friends have come to me crying this week and I've had a hard time explaining my side to everyone individually, so I decided to formulate a full post when I would be able to collect myself mentally and emotionally. When I was open and honest about being there, because I felt I had nothing to hide, I became the subject of a hit piece by a click bait writer who threatened me with writing whatever he felt like about me unless I talked to him and answered his questions. I felt blackmailed and manipulated. Thousands were there, but I was chosen to attack and focus on because of my years of cosplay and modeling and presence in fandom. My pictures made for an amazingly sensationalized, exaggerated, and very full of lies story. "Supergirl is a KKK Nazi!" Even my webmaster of 10 years ended our website over the articles and told everyone I was an evil racist bigot who dreams of killing non aryan people, without so much as talking to me first to ask what was going on.
I lost my job, and lost my favorite hobby along with my social life as I knew it and people I thought I could count on to not trust every "news" source on the internet. It doesn't seem enough for everyone, as the threats of death and violence continue. Mostly from people I don't know, but still. To be honest, the past couple of years I had felt myself drifting away from cosplay and modeling. I wanted to retire gracefully, but I guess I'll have to do it suddenly. lol. I'm ready for the next chapter of life though and have faith that in time things will get better. Not laying down and dying just yet. Sorry to anyone this whole thing has hurt or confused. I hope in time some people can forgive me and realize I'm not always the best at making decisions, but I don't harbor hate or evil in my heart. I will treat with kindness anyone who treats me with kindness in return, and I vow to work on it every day, whether or not I have an 'S' on my chest or I am just an every day person on the street.
To the friends and fans who did reach out to me and broke up the threats and hatred being spewed my way and said they were waiting to hear my side and that they were going to be there for me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
It may not need saying, but I made no threats. I offered to let her tell her side, and that is what ran. It just so happens that her telling her side underlined people's concerns. It was when I challenged her statements about race that she blocked me from asking anything more. Her original words were already burning up on social media when I came to the story and her webmaster had closed her website before I had published a word, waiting for comment from Alisa. Because I always value the principle of "right to reply" whatever the charge.
Which is why I am running this now.