Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, death of wolverine, entertainment
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 7th September 2014 – Still Life In The Old Wolverine Yet
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
The first week of the Futures End 3D covers and it puts books that normally don't make it into the top ten, right in there. But Marvel's spoiler with Death Of Wolverine tops the charts and the last issue of Original Sin also gets a bit of a bump.
And note, Rocket Raccoon, still performing well!
- Death Of Wolverine #1
- Original Sin #8
- Detective Comics Futures End #1
- Batman Eternal #22
- Justice League #33
- Rocket Raccoon #3
- Uncanny X-Men #25
- Grayson Futures End #1
- Green Arrow Futures End #1
- Green Lantern Futures End #1
Thanks to the following retailers,
- Graham Crackers Comics 9 Comic Shops throughout Illinois
- Jesse James Comics of Phoenix, Arizona
- Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore, Marietta, Georgia
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa
And this is what they had to say,
Not a bad week. But not a great week. Week of been there done that. Another "Death" stunt. Well selling better than Wolverine's regular title and all the titles he is in, Death of Wolverine 1 is still far short sales wise of the Human Torch "death", Spiderman "death" and all the other Marvel characters high selling "death" issues. The"Death" card has been played to many times by Marvel. People are getting numb to it and noticing all the previous dead characters are back. DC's 3D covers do look even better than last years 3D Villains covers but the gimmick was already done last year. And those covers became in demand because of them being "limited" due to supply issues. This time no supply issues which means no one is worried about getting them. Though I guess one could say DC killed Wolverine because Marvel felt he had to die in September to stop a repeat ! of DC's September sales win over Marvel from last year. Original Sin 8. The end of the latest Marvel event is here. And much like Infinity it ended and not many people cared. Batman Eternal still is number one. Even picked up some new readers this week. Sold out of Futures End 18. Weekly comics may be the way to go.
Iron Man's first series is selling. With Bob Layton showing at the store next month it has really helped Iron Man back issues. Hulk is seeing his first series sell better than his current series. Punisher's back issues of any thing he is related to has really taken off. Superman back issues still seeing love thanks to the upcoming movie.
Death of Wolverine was the clear winner for the week. However the overall market was dominated by the 3-D's that looked better than last years by far. The only disappointment this week was original Sin. No real payoff and an extra $1.00 on the cover price left many people skipping this book.
New Avengers and Aquaman had the back-issue market locked this week. everything else was picked up by target specific customers looking fill gaps in the collections.
Busy week with 3 signings. Wednesday: J. G. Jones. Thursday: Charles Soule. Friday: Camren Bicondova (Selina Kyle in the new Fox show "Gotham."
Solid week of books. People are very interested in the Death of Wolverine. I just hope that paying $5 for half a book with a shiny cover won't dissuade them from getting the rest.
3D covers did well, but not the frenzy of Villains month due to no allocations. May have done better without the Futures End tag because I know of several customers who didn't pick them up because they are reading the individual titles, but not Futures End.Solid end to Original Sin (after several missed event landings) should help sales of SIXIS.
What a monster of a week in comics! The Death of Wolverine dominated and customers were crazy for it. The notion of Wolverine finally dying, paired with Steve Mcniven, THE MAN WHO DID OLD MAN LOGAN, doing the art was more than enough for people to scoop it up. That, paired with the finale to Original Sin and Rocket Raccoon, made Marvel the #1 publisher of the week in our shop. The DC Lenticular covers did well, but nothing compared to last year. I had lots fewer people pick up all the covers than we did with the previous sets, despite the fact that these ones look a lot better than last years. Great to see Jason Aaron's Southern Bastards hanging with the big dogs too! That book just keeps gaining steam and readers with each issue.
Death of Wolverine #1 was the hands down winner, with no other title even coming close. Luckily the story was great, the art spectacular and customers genuinely excited to read it! Only down side was that the real 'comic' part of the book was over before even getting 1/2 way through the comic leaving a disappointing feeling as you plodded through the never demanded for filler in the 2nd half.
Death of Wolverine #1 was the hands down winner, with no other title even coming close. Luckily the story was great, the art spectacular and customers genuinely excited to read it! Only down side was that the real 'comic' part of the book was over before even getting 1/2 way through the comic leaving a disappointing feeling as you plodded through the never demanded for filler in the 2nd half.
Less buzz about DC's 3D covers than I would have hoped–maybe it's time to come up with another gimmick for next September…
Lots more DC Silver Age sales this week–Batman is the big seller for us, particularly 1950s and 1960s issues.
Marvel cleansweeps the first 4 spots. Dc held on to 5 spots as well. Impact wise those Wolverine, Deadpool, Rocket and Spiderman 2009 were 95% of every stack at the count. Though 3d sold well and we received a second shipment it wasn't enough to crack the top 4 spots. Rocket continues to bring in a very young clientele to the store. We expect a very strong month from all the Publishers and look for Image to start crashing the top ten over the next couple of weeks.