Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, bestseller, bleedingcool, civil war, Comics, convergence, dc, entertainment, marvel, Secret Wars
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – Secret Wars Has A Public Victory
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
It wasn't unanimous. But Secret Wars #1 was at the top of most store's lists this week. But though Convergence dragged behind, it still outsold everything else, with Convergence crossovers throughout the chart.
- 1. Secret Wars #1
2. Convergence #5
3. Amazing Spider-Man #18
4. Spider-Gwen #2
5. Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan #2
6. Convergence Justice League #2
7. Afterlife With Archie #8
8. Convergence Nightwing Oracle #2
9. Convergence Harley Quinn #2
10. Descender #3
Thanks to the following retailers
- Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New York
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Jesse James Comics of Glendale, Arizona
- Comix Experience of San Francisco, California
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Space Cadets Collection Collection of Conroe, Texas
Who had this to say.
It wasn't about who was going to be #1 this week but who would take the second spot for sales. Well Secrets Wars variants took that spot selling out almost across the board. Secret Wars ended up in 95.5% of every purchase. Its impact was tremendous. Trades were the big thing this week as Civil War, Siege and Captain America Reborn sold out. However, Korvac Avengers was by far the biggest winner with 10 trades sold in two days. Marvel takes 6 of the first 7 top spots with Wonder Woman taking the #4 spot. Convergence and Harley take #8 and #9 as Descenders take #10. The overall big win this week was the fans! We saw a 35% increase in new Wednesday customer in the computer this week because of FCBD.
The Secret Wars #1 Party Sketch Variant had furious bidding during an in-store auction
No surprise that Secret Wars #1 was the top seller. The surprise was that Kanan #2 was almost a sell out. I guess anything Star Wars will sell.
Still no surprises when it comes to back-issue sales. Anything Harley Quinn was on the move. Will have to re-stock for weeks to come just to keep up with demand.
Good sales this week. Oddly enough Convergence 5 outsold Secret Wars 1 here. Many customers are saying the incursions that Secret Wars is about have been played out for to long and they have lost interest. With one customer saying "You can only destroy so many worlds before it gets boring." Hoping Secret Wars has legs. Amazing Spiderman still selling quite well. Star Wars Kanan the Last Padawan is riding the Star Wars popularity train. New customers from Free Comic Book day? Zero.
Suicide Squad back issues are in demand. Set pictures of Harley Quinn have only made Suicide Squad and Harley Quinn back issues more in demand.
Secret Wars absolutely destroyed Convergence this week. Seems like the FCBD 0 issue really helped bring attention to it, and customers who haven't been following Hickman's Avengers run grabbed it up to see what all the fuss was about. Tons of people have been asking when the tie ins are starting up as well. Kanan hasn't been doing as well as the other Star Wars books, though. Many customers are confused by the character, or think that they have to watch the Rebels cartoon in order to understand it.
We're nearly sold out of the Batman: Earth One vol 2 hardcover. It seems there was a lot of pent up demand for the title. After the lackluster response for Superman: Earth One vol 3, I was expecting this one to follow suit, but it's sold awesome. Still selling Star Wars titles like crazy.
Convergence Superman did very well, but lots of fans are saying they have no interest in the replacement Superman they saw in FCBD's Divergence–they're already chopping Superman and Batman from their pull lists. DC needs a fast turnaround–they're making one stupid move after another.
Customers are grabbing early issues of Tales to Astonish with Ant-Man, trying to get ahead of the trend. #27, #35, and #36 all sold this week, along with other issues in the 50s and 60s.
Lots of interest in Secret Wars. Really hoping it continues into the tie-in series.