Posted in: Batman, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, DC Comics, Superman | Tagged: Lex Luther, Penguin
Did DC Actually Kill Lex Luthor In Superman? The Penguin Thinks So…
The Penguin #1 by Tom King and Rafael De Latorre seems to be set in DC Comics continuity. But does this mean that Lex Luther is dead?
The Penguin #1 by Tom King and Rafael De Latorre seems to be set in DC Comics continuity. It follows on from the reinvention of The Penguin in the Batman comic books, retiring from being a criminal boss and becoming a florist. Faking his death, a transition enabled by Catwoman in recent Batman comic books, but that also coincidentally triggered the Failsafe robot to come for Batman, believing that Batman had killed the Penguin. It's a world in which Alred is still dead. The series even includes a central appearance of from Batman: Killing Time.
Tom King has also said that The Penguin does tie into current Batman comic books, saying "This morning, I was on the phone with Chip and Josh talking about crossovers and stuff." So when the Penguin, in a story set six months ago, goes to the newsstand.
In which. mentioning Supercorp that Joshua Williamson has brought to Superman comic books, the death of Lex Luthor. Currently, in Superman continuity, Lex Luthor is imprisoned and is helping Superman. He is not believed to be dead at the world at large. Is this something about to happen in the Superman comic books and, thanks to those conversations between Tom and Josh, something that The Penguin slipped out early? The solicitations have Lex Luthor meeting his mother… is she going to kill him?
Because at the end of Superman #5, Lex Luthor was indeed attacked in prison and left for dead. Were all the solicitations (reproduced below) a bluff? Did Lex Luthor actually die? No mention of these events were made in the Superman Annual 2023, and Superman #6 is published on the 19th of September… and then another Penguin the week after.
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Gleb Melnikov (CA) Jamal Campbell
NEW STORY ARC STARTS HERE! FIRST APPEARANCE OF A NEW SUPERMAN VILLAIN! THE CHAINED PART ONE! Following the shocking cliffhanger of Superman #5 and the events of Knight Terrors, Superman has learned that Lex Luthor kept a prisoner beneath Stryker's Island for decades. Who are they and why did Lex lock them up? Can Superman unlock the secrets of the Chained? Featuring guest artist Gleb Melnikov! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 9/19/2023SUPERMAN #7 CVR A JAMAL CAMPBELL (#850)
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Gleb Melnikov, Dan Jurgens, Various (CA) Jamal Campbell
AN OVERSIZE ANNIVERSARY ISSUE CELEBRATING THE MAN OF STEEL AND HIS LEGACY! Superman #850! A special oversize issue celebrating Superman and his super-legacy! Since the start of Superman #1 and Dawn of DC, a mystery has been brewing in Metropolis. Now that mystery's secrets are unleashed, with startling revelations that set up a massive story in 2024! The Chained continues as Superman battles against an overpowered new menace who wants to destroy Metropolis! Superman must decide if he is willing to follow Lex's tragic orders to take the Chained down! And Lex Luthor is visited by a blast from his past. One that will impact his future forever. Retail: $5.99 In-Store Date: 10/17/2023SUPERMAN #8 CVR A JAMAL CAMPBELL
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Gleb Melnikov (CA) Jamal Campbell
POWERLESS! Superman versus the Chained concludes! One of the biggest battles Metropolis has ever witnessed comes down to Superman doing the unthinkable and sacrificing his powers to stop the Chained. How does that impact Lex Luthor's plans…or is Lex too busy dealing with the shocking return of his mother in Superman #850?! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 11/21/2023PENGUIN #1 CVR A SCORPIO STEELE & STEFANO GAUDIANO
(W) Tom King (A) Rafael De Latorre (CA) Scorpio Steele,Stefano Gaudiano
TOM KING AND RAFAEL DE LATORRE'S ALL-NEW STORY OF THE ICONIC VILLAIN! REVENGE IS FOR THE BIRDS. After retiring to Metropolis following his death, Oswald Cobblepot finds himself forced back into the unpredictable and violent Gotham City underworld as a pawn of the United States intelligence community! Gotham's criminal element has been evolving since he was last in the city, with his bastard twin children ruling the Iceberg Lounge. And what of the man he framed for his death–Batman? Is the Penguin walking into a death sentence? From award-winning and bestselling writer Tom King (Batman, The Human Target) and artist Rafael de Latorre (Daredevil) comes a bloody, hard-boiled tale of redemption and revenge! Retail:$3.99 In-Store Date:08/22/2023PENGUIN #2 CVR A DAVID MARQUEZ
(W) Tom King (A) Rafael De Latorre (CA) David Marquez
Oswald Cobblepot is preparing to take back the Gotham underworld at the behest of the U.S. government, but to wage this war, he's going to need some ruthless soldiers. For starters…the Help, the merciless assassin Penguin first encountered in the epic Batman: Killing Time. But can the Penguin free the Help from a prison of his own making? Whoever wins, everyone dies. The tough-as-nails series continues!Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 9/26/2023