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Did You See Batman Vs Freddy Krueger on ComiXology Yesterday?

Last night, ComiXology had a most peculiar listing. For a Batman vs. Freddy Krueger comic, written and drawn by Greg Land and published by CX Test.

If you went to buy it, instead you got an issue of Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's Battle Pope.

Withdrawn now, you can still see a remnant in this deleted Google search. Looks like a listing test went a little awry – but could the example in question be based on something coming down the pipe? Or is it nothing more that pure randomness?

Someone who did buy it and got Battle Pope was told by the digital comics publisher 'that is actually not a real book and was put up as a test on our end but should NOT have been available to purchase.'


Did You See Batman Vs Freddy Krueger on ComiXology Yesterday?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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