Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Preview | Tagged: dc, Legion Of Super Heroes, millennium
Is Friends Still the Most Popular Show on 25th-Century Netflix? Legion of Super-Heroes Millennium #2 [Preview]
Legion of Super-Heroes Millennium #2 hits stores from DC Comics this week, by "The Great One" Brian Bendis, Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung, Jeff Dekal, and more. We've got a preview below.
The comic takes us on a journey through the centuries of the DC Universe, leading up to the 31st century where the new Legion of Super-Heroes comic will be set.
There's no explicit mention of what century we're seeing in the preview, but one thing for sure is that this century has a level of nostalgia not seen since, well, since our own times. Except, this nostalgia is *for* our own times. Observe, at this familiar-looking Space Museum…
As Rose meets a man who apparently has an obsession with the television show Friends. Have we seen this guy before? He seems familiar…
And as he transfers his nostalgia for the early 21st century to a romantic interest in Rose, it's clear his obsession might be a little unhealthy…
…though perhaps no moreso than the people who still binge Friends on Netflix today, despite all the other content available to watch.
Rose, it seems, tired of Friends long ago. But this mysterious stranger is still totally into it. Maybe he'll act on his impulses one day. Steal a time machine and a flying gold robot butler, return to the past, become a superhero, and eventually find himself embroiled in a terrible super-mega-crossover event where Wally West becomes a murderer…?
Nah, that will never happen. Legion of Super-Heroes Millennium #2 hits stores on Wednesday.
H/T The Beat for the EX-X-XCLUSIVE preview.
(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung, Jeff Dekal (A/CA) Ryan Sook
Get on board for a journey through the future like no other! A gallery of all-star artists join our mysterious guide as they continue their 1,000-year journey toward the 31st century, inspiring Booster Gold to time-travel, debating fighting tactics with O.M.A.C. and making their way to the front door of the Legion of Super-Heroes. The DC event of the future is here now!
In Shops: Oct 02, 2019
SRP: $4.99