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Artists Keith Pollard and Ron Wilson Recipients Of Inkpot Awards

Artists Keith Pollard and Ron Wilson were both honored for their lifetime of work within the comic book industry with the Inkpot Award at the start of...

keith pollard ron wilson ink pot awards

From Bleeding Cool reporter Joshua Stone:

Artists Keith Pollard and Ron Wilson were both honored for their lifetime of work within the comic book industry with the Inkpot Award at the start of the That 70s Panel on Saturday at Comic-Con International (SDCC).

Pollard is best known for his simultaneous work on the Marvel Comics titles The Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Thor from the late 1970's through the early 1980's.

keith pollard ron wilson ink pot awards

Wilson is known for his work on comic books starring Marvel's character The Thing, including the titles Marvel Two-in-One and The Thing, from 1975 to 1986.

Comic-Con International's Inkpot Awards are given to individuals for their contributions to the worlds of comics, science fiction/fantasy, film, television, animation, and fandom services.

keith pollard ron wilson ink pot awards

From SDCC: It was a time of change in comics, with a new generation intermingling with the old and taking command. Hear what the comics industry was like in the 1970s from Mike Grell (The Warlord ; Jon Sable, Freelance), Paul Levitz (Legion of Super-Heroes, Stalker), Keith Pollard (Fantastic Four, Thor), Ron Wilson (The Thing, Super Boxers), Marv Wolfman (Tomb of Dracula, New Teen Titans), Joe Staton (E-Man, Dick Tracy), and moderator Mark Evanier (Groo the Wanderer, Blackhawk).

keith pollard ron wilson ink pot awards

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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