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Mega City Comics Of Camden, London, To Close After Four Decades

One of the UK's oldest comic book stores, Mega City Comics, of Camden, has stood as a cultural landmark. But after this year, no more.

Article Summary

  • Mega City Comics, a Camden landmark since 1987, to close after 43 years.
  • Owner Martin Kravetz retires without finding a suitable buyer.
  • Final clearance sale offers rare comics from the 1940s to present.
  • Potential last-minute buyers with funding are still welcome.

One of the UK's oldest comic book stores, Mega City Comics, was established by Martin Kravetz in 1981 when he was still at university, initially as a mail-order business, before opening a physical store in Camden in 1987, where it has stood as a cultural landmark since. But after this year, it will be no more. With memories of hosting events with Alan Moore, Jamie Hewlett, Pat Mills, Simon Bisley, Brain Bolland, Gilbert Shelton, Craig Thompson and Matt Wagner, and teaching Andrew Lincoln just who this Rick Grimes character he was auditioning for, in 2010, they were awarded the King Of Camden honour for excellence in local retailing. After 43 years, the London comic shop Mega-City Comics based in Camden, is to close. Martin Kravetz is planning to retire and says that he has not been able to find a new buyer. But Bleeding Cool has learned that in recent days, at least one other com ic book retailer in London has been in touch to talk possibilities…

Mega City Comics
Google Maps screencap

Posting to social media, Mega-City Comics announced;

Mega City Comics was established in 1981, and has been operating from our shop in Camden Town since 1987. After 43 years (and 37 years in the same shop), Martin, the owner, is taking retirement, and the shop will be closing at the end of Jan 2025. We had originally hoped to pass on the mantle to a new owner, but a suitable candidate has unfortunately, not been forthcoming (although do read to the end!).
It has been a joyous ride (for Martin, all of his adult life), and we have had some great staff and some great customers (a crazy number who have been here pretty much from the start, and stuck with us throughout). So it is a bitter sweet event to be closing the doors.
The mail-order/standing order service will be winding up at the end of the year, and final parcels will be going out no later than early Jan 25.
We are not quite finished yet, and we will be going out with an upbeat BANG!, so if you can make it into the shop over the next two months, there will be some once-in-a-lifetime deals to be had. The back room back issue stores are being opened up, and the shop is bursting to the seams with comic goodness, ranging all the way back to 1940's Golden Age, through classic Silver and Bronze, and right up to modern day books. We have always offered up a huge range, but for the final run, there is more on show and available than ever before! Fine tune those wants lists, raid the piggy bank, and head on in and fill your boots. The FINAL CLEARANCE SALE will be launched in early Jan, but we recommend you get in earlier than that, and get your choice pick of everything we have, as there are deals to be had NOW and negotiations to be made!
Dealers, bulk buyers and re-sellers – we will have some clearance offers on excess stock available soon – drop us an email if interested in taking 1,000 plus to 10,000 items. Wholesale inquiries are by invitation only – you can't just drop in unannounced – but we welcome you registering any interest now.
Whilst we are fully preparing to shut up shop, this is still a profitable and feasible business here, so if there are any last minute inquiries, from a serious party, with a passion comics, a strong business background, and secure funding, we would be happy to discuss the potential possibilities.
We are open 7 days a week, right through mid Jan (closed Dec 25,26,27), and look forward to seeing customers old and new."

Mega City Comics
Photo of Mega City Comics by Jim Linwood, CC BY 2.0,

Pete Hogan writes, "In another life (30-odd years ago) I spent a couple of months working at Camden's Mega-City Comics, so I'm a little sad to hear it's closing down in January.
Still, to everything there is a season etc. Good luck, Martin!" As for those possible comic store buyers, we will let you know what we hear…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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