Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dan didio, dc comics
More Comics Industry Reaction to Dan DiDio Leaving DC
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool broke the news that Dan DiDio was no longer Publisher of DC Comics. We learnt further details of how it happened, how it went down at ComicsPRO and finally the reasons why he had been fired. DiDio has not provided any public comment, but he did update his cover photo twice on Facebook.
We also looked at industry reaction to his departure. But it's still coming. So here's a second-round from social media.
The DC that Dan Didio helped cultivate as EIC in the mid-00s when I was in HS and College made me a fan of DC for life.
The DC that he built as publisher in the 10s gave me my career in this industry.
I'll be eternally grateful on both counts, and wish him the best!
— James Tynion IV 🦇 C2E2 A-11 (@JamesTheFourth) February 22, 2020
Had the pleasure of knowing and working with Dan DiDio for my entire time at DC (both stints). His energy and excitement was unique and impossible to match. Wishing him the best and curious to see what's next.
— Alex Segura (@alex_segura) February 22, 2020
Whatever your feelings about Dan DiDio, pro or con, it's a shame that after so many years of loyal and enthusiastic service, he wasn't given a proper acknowledgement or send-off. There are graceful ways to let someone exit and then there's this.
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) February 22, 2020
Not surprised. His tenure at DC has been a long one in what is now corporate entertainment biz. Also, Warner is now effectively a puppet of AT&T, so who knows who they'll put in his place? Hope it's someone within the comic book industry.
— Jerry Ordway (@JerryOrdway) February 21, 2020
I owe Dan DiDio for so much. His enthusiasm was immeasurable. And just so it is said, no one realizes how many older comic creators were helped by him behind the scenes without anyone ever knowing. The man did right by so many. And never took credit.
— Brad Meltzer (@bradmeltzer) February 22, 2020
Dan Didio loves comics and was the driving force behind a lot of books that I love. All my life I wanted to work for DC Comics. Dan listened to me rant about my love for DC and let me work with the heroes I was passionate about. I'm forever thankful for that.
— Joshua Williamson (@Williamson_Josh) February 22, 2020
Dan DiDio is personally responsible for recruiting me into @DCComics & for that I will forever be grateful. He was always fair & upfront with me, in an industry that often isn't. I wish the guy nothing but the best & look forward to his next success, wherever that may be.
— Frank Tieri (@FrankTieri) February 21, 2020
If you enjoyed my art on Batman, Demon, Aquaman, Secret Six, and likely others, you can thank Dan DiDio. I know those gigs resulted directly from him. His track record of accomplishments over 18 f-cking years leading DC are staggering. I'm a better artist because of his support.
— Brad Brad Walker (@IAmBradWalker) February 21, 2020
When things got a little rough on Twitter once Dan DiDio phoned me up and said "Don't take it personally. I'm here to take responsibility for everything, and I'll carry the blame. You just carry on being you and let me deal with all the sh*t. That's what I'm here for." #respect
— Liam 'Sharpy' Sharp (@LiamRSharp) February 22, 2020
Dan DiDio is one of the most passionate people I know when comes to this medium. He loves comics with every fiber. He was also an early champion of my work. He backed me on black mirror when others didn't want it to happen, then on court of owls, American vampire… on and on.1/2
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) February 22, 2020
I didn't always agree creatively with Dan Didio at DC. Or maybe I just didn't always understand what he wanted. But I was always happy to see the guy & I could definitely be sure he was going to be enthusiastic about comics. I'm legit excited to see what he does next. Thanks Dan!
— Tim Seeley @C2E2 Artist Alley G-1! (@HackinTimSeeley) February 22, 2020
I'm buying the least amount of DC Comics in my life. At least 50% of that reason is the way Didio reshaped them. Awful! So glad he's been removed! I speak as a consumer first.
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) February 21, 2020
Nothing but the best to Dan Didio. One reason of many: He gave me Bugs Bunny/Legion of Super-Heroes because he knew how much I loved both. It's still one of my favorite issues, AND it directly led to the Harley Quinn gig. Thanks Dan, looking forward to our next Godzilla chat.
— Sam "The Hammer" Humphries (@samhumphries) February 22, 2020
It feels like I've only just started at @DCComics but in that short time Dan DiDio welcomed me in and made me feel part of the team. Thank you, Dan.
— David Marquez (@DaveMarquez) February 22, 2020
Dan DiDio was the head guy at DC ever since I started working there on #WonderWoman several years ago. He always had my back and supported my many projects over the years. We got along great and I wish him the best moving forward. He will be missed at DC.
— aaronlopresti (@aaronlopresti) February 22, 2020
Dan DiDio gave me my first job in comics, back in 2004, for which I will always be grateful. Wishing him the best wherever he goes next.
— Christos Gage (@Christosgage) February 22, 2020
Dan Didio will be greatly missed. Lots of thoughts in my head right now, but first and foremost: Thank you, my friend, for everything.
— Marc Andreyko (@marcandreyko) February 22, 2020
I have to thank Dan Didio for giving me a shot at #WillEisner the #SPIRIT which I got to write and draw at @DCComics . Never saw that one coming, thank you Dan
— Oeming (@Oeming) February 22, 2020
Also I'm at ComicsPro today and it is deeply bizarre that DiDio was fired during an industry event? Feel sorry for the DC reps here who now have the responsibility of calming retailers AND have no answers for anyone about anything.
— Christopher Butcher 🔜 ComicsPro Portland (@Comics212) February 21, 2020
Watching otherwise smart people in comics suddenly contorting themselves to reappraise Dan DiDio of all people sure is weird
— Nick Hanover (@Nick_Hanover) February 21, 2020
Say what you will about Dan Didio, but he gave me a portfolio review while I was in college, and even though I was terrified and felt like he wouldn't be interested in any of my work, he gave me incredibly kind and helpful feedback and encouraged me to strive for a comics career.
— Cara McGee 💖 C2E2 N-11 (@ohcararara) February 21, 2020
Dan DiDio was a great champion of mine over at DC Comics. I'm forever grateful for his support as I made my way to the DCU and for our conversation they led to Female Furies. I am wishing him luck on his next adventure. It's definitely the end of an era.
— cecil will be at ECCC NN-15 (@misscecil) February 21, 2020
I don't know how much involvement Dan Didio had in bringing #Hellblazer back to its roots with me on art duties but I know it couldn't have gotten green lighted without his approval and for that I will be forever grateful to him.
— Aaron Campbell is Drawing Hellblazer (@olmancampbell) February 22, 2020
The pendulum approach to superhero comics isn't necessary and isn't healthy for comics or for the new audiences that the industry seeks to embrace. This attitude that new audiences are at odds with the old is so harmful.
— Cheryl Lynn Eaton (@cheryllynneaton) February 21, 2020
Dan DiDio kept EVERY crazy promise me made me. we met each other 2 yrs ago during the madness of my near death experience. he used it as a reason to make a lot of my personal dreams, big and small, come true. A lot of you specifically LOVE the #wondercomics imprint. that was dan
So… who's going to pitch The Nightwing Who Laughs?