Comics Archives

Thursday Trending Topics: Marvelman
The long-hoped-for and miraculous return of Marvelman at last? Marvel Comics paid the late Mick Anglo a million dollars for his rights to Marvelman, but
DC Puts Arrow On Retailer Plastic Bags
DC Comics are rushing through a new plastic bag design for comic store retailers, to reflect the new Arrow TV series premiering on CW in October. As well
In One Week, In Two Weeks
In one week, we get the new Ghost, a bunch more DC zeroes, the new Walking Dead, the new Womanthology book, the new Star Trek Next Generation comics and
Is Marvelman Closer Than We Think?
Three things have happened very recently. One is that Neil Gaiman's opposition to Todd McFarlane's trademark registration for Miracleman was withdrawn.
Crossed: Really Wish You Weren't Here
The evil that men do. Or rather the evil that men allow to happen. Welcome to the new episode of Crossed: Wish You Were Here. Both on the island and back
Frank Miller Vs Occupy Vs Zombies
Welcome to the latest comics Kickstarter project with a majorly media-friendly pitch. Frank Miller Vs Occupy Wall Street Vs Zombies. They are only after
Terry Dodson's Second Dream
The second and finale volume of Terry Dodson's french album with D.P. Filippi, Songes, Tome 2 : Célia is out next month. It can be ordered on its own or
The Many Deaths Of… (SPOILERS)
Okay, we're fighting a losing battle. Marvel have even sent a press release out. Nevertheless we are still vaguely trying to hold on to our non-spoilerness, wherever possible, even in the face of much pressure. So, you know, spoilers.
Stan Lee And The F Word
Today Stan Lee ensured that people will be saying "Fuck You" to him for the remainder of his life. Enjoy.