Comics Archives

A Very Merry Womanthology Christmas
    People who had backed the Kickstarter-funded Womanthology volume received a rather splendid Christmas present this morning, ahead of the
The MacGyver Pitches That Weren't
Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool helped Tony Lee and Image Comics find a new artist to replace Becky Cloonan on the MacGyver comic book. And yesterday we
Thursday Trending Topics: Prometheus
Now here's a movie I'm really looking forward to.  Gotta say that the Hobbit trailer didn't wow me (yeah, I know, I'm the only one on the  internet who
Preview: Dwarf And Gnome by Mason Cook
Mason Cook is an an independent comic creator based in Brisbane, Australia, releasing a new comic book, Dwarf And Gnome, in January. I thought this five
The Women Of Dynamite In March 2012
If you took all the clothes worn by all the ladies on the following Dynamite covers, would you have enough material to make one costume that wouldn't make
In Defense Of Sharon Moody
Dean Butters writes for Bleeding Cool; In defense of appropriation and Sharon Moody (who I have never met or even heard of until the article on Bleeding
Want To Work For IDW In San Diego?
If I was willing to up sticks and move to South California, I'd probably have this job already through through pure force of will. But that's not going to