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Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon Books is to Black Hole creator Charles Burns graphic novel series Dédales, previously published in French into English as Final Cut.

Article Summary

  • Pantheon Books to release Charles Burns' French series Dédales in English as Final Cut.
  • Original graphic novels by creator of Black Hole written in English, previously only available in French.
  • Final Cut blends sci-fi and horror with a profound look at self-expression through art.
  • Series features stunning artworks and panels, with references to classic genre movies.

In 2019, French publisher Cornelius began publishing a new graphic novel series by Black Hole creator Charles Burns called Dédales. named after Daedelus, the father of Icarus. I think I picked up my copies in Gosh Comics, translated into French. Because that's what it was. They published a second volume in 2021 and a third volume in 2023. but until now, there were no versions in English, that the book had originally been written in. But that changes in September as Pantheon Books will be publishing the series as Final Cut. But it does mean that Bleeding Cool has a lot of artwork from the book to show off… even if it's still in the "original" French.

PANTHEON BOOKS JUL24 Solicitations


(W) Charles Burns (A) Charles Burns
As a child, Brian and his friend Jimmy would make sci-fi films in their yards, convincing their friends to star as victims of grisly murders, smearing lipstick on the "bodies" to simulate blood. Now a talented artist and aspiring filmmaker, Brian, along with Jimmy, Jimmy's friend Tina, and Laurie-his reluctant muse-sets off to a remote cabin in the woods with an old 8 millimeter camera to make a true sci-fi horror movie, an homage to Brian's favorite movie: Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But as Brian's affections for Laurie go seemingly unreciprocated, Brian writes and draws himself into a fantasy where she is the girl of his dreams, his damsel in distress, and his savior wrapped into one. Rife with references to classic sci-fi and horror movies and filled with panels of stunning depictions of nature, film and the surreal, Burns blurs the line between Brian's dreams and reality, imagination and perception. A master of the form at his finest, Final Cut is an astonishing look at what it means to truly express oneself through art. In Shops: Sep 25, 2024

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

Pantheon to Publish Charles Burns' Dédales in English as Final Cut

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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