Posted in: Comics, IDW | Tagged: graphic novel, idw pr campaign, sons of chaos
PR Company to Devise Campaign for Every Comic Shop That Sells Sons Of Chaos Graphic Novel From IDW
Prana: Direct Market Solutions is a marketing and sales services company founded by Atom Freeman, formerly of Valiant Entertainment and most recently of ComicHub.
In cooperation with IDW Publishing and Levendis Entertainment, they have announced a first-of-its-kind program to promote the IDW graphic novel release, Sons Of Chaos by Chris Jaymes and Alejandro Aragon from earlier in the summer.
The creators of Sons of Chaos and Prana DM will be creating social media campaigns for each Direct Market Retailer stocking Sons Of Chaos targeting fans who might not usually find their local comic shop but are the target market for this graphic novel.
Levendis will be matching the wholesale cost of each copy of Sons Of Chaos purchased by brick & mortar comics shops during this program with advertising dollars in social media ads pushing fans into the stores during the holiday season. Details were released earlier today on the ComicsPRO Members message board along with several other online retailer boards.
"When we set out to tell the story of the 1821 Greek War of Independence, working with independent comic shops was part of what I was excited about after spending so much of my childhood living in them. And honestly, becoming friends with so many of those retailers has been one of the best parts of this experience," said Sons of Chaos writer/creator Chris Jaymes. "The point of this program is to support those who have supported us and who give so much of their lives to keeping this industry alive."
You can read the first forty-four pages below:
(W) Chris Jaymes (A) Alejandro Aragon
Oversized, panoramic graphic novel Sons of Chaos, exposes the quiet agenda of the Ottoman Empire's most brutal dictator, and his fascination with a young Greek boy that led to a war that would define the Western World.An immersion into the moments we never see, and the self-serving motivations that convince a nation that violence is warranted, and that war is necessary.
In honor of the 200 Year anniversary of the Greek War for Independence, Sons of Chaos presents the story of 1821 through the eyes of Marcos Botsaris, the son of a respected Greek leader taken prisoner as a child and raised within the dungeons of history's most infamous Ottoman Pasha, known as the "Napoleon of the East"– Ali Pasha of Ioannina. Over the next ten years, the bond formed between them would define history.
The Greek War for Independence was a conflict that quietly influenced the entire world and participants ranged from the London Stock Exchange to celebrities such as Lord Byron, as well as average impassioned Americans willing to transport themselves across the Atlantic to fight alongside the Greeks.
This conflict was the pinnacle of what we now know as the Romantic Period and yet, it's a war that few know ever existed outside of the Greek and Turkish cultures; a war that stimulated the fall of the Ottoman Empire and shaped Western Civilization as we now know it, and in a sense is being fought today under a different heading amongst today's political world leaders.
Hundreds of years of Ottoman rule gave the Greeks a reason to fight. Marcos Botsaris gave them a leader.
In Shops: Jul 17, 2019
SRP: $39.99