Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beer, entertainment, film, hellraiser
Booze Geek – HellRazer And Of Course Hellraiser
By Dylan Gonzalez
Beer: HellRazer IPA
Brewery: DuClaw Brewing Co.
After many nights enjoying stouts and dark beers, I finally return to the world of IPAs. During my trip to Maryland, I found myself in a number of liquor stores and wound up coming home with a number of beers. Unexpectedly. I swear.
While in one, I spied the name HellRazer and was immediately drawn to it. I ultimately wound up purchasing four beers from the DuClaw Brewing Co. How could I not with names like Dirty Little Freak and Sweet Baby Jesus? But the first of the lot I tried was HellRazer, an IPA.
HellRazer poured a reddish amber color. I noticed a large amount of sediment floating present in the body, giving it a cloudy quality. The head lasted for a good while, leaving behind some strong lacing. HellRazer gave off floral and citrus scents, along with some light hoppiness. Generally, it was not very strong with its scent.
In taste, however, I was surprised. I found a nice balance between the malts and used, creating a good flavor. As I let it sit for a while, I detected some caramel and toffee sweetness to it as well. On the palate, I found the medium bodied beer easy enough to drink. There was not much carbonation present.
Overall, this was a decent IPA. Nothing too outstanding, but it had its merits in the malt/hop combination and the relative easiness of it to drink. I would recommend it if you are looking for something not ridiculously hoppy to drink.
What to Drink This To:
As the name implies, I would suggest watching the horror classic Hellraiser while enjoying this brew. Hellraiser remains one of my favorite horror films and probably one of my favorite films of all time. So pour a cold glass of HellRazer and enjoy the presence of Pinhead and the other Cenobites. They have such sights to show you…
Dylan Gonzalez happens to love beer and comic books and luckily found a place to write about both because he has no idea how to actually make money in the real world. He lives in a cave in New Jersey.
Tweet him at @BeardedPickle, follow his own beer blog at email him at