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EXCLUSIVE: Comics Destroy Twilight!

stepeniemeyerOkay, I have to admire their chutzpah. Bluewater running a biography comic of Stephanie Myer, and really hoping they don't somehow get sued on the basis of expoitationof another's trademark in a way they might if they tried it on with JK Rowling.

Because this is the first Bluewater biography that doesn't look like an IDW comic, but, well, a Twilight novel. And its narrated by a familiar looking vampire.

In a press release, Bluewater president Darren G Davis says "We get to turn the tables on Meyers and she becomes the featured protagonist. And we are going to tell her story in a very fun, respectful and unique way."

And put it out in time for the Twilight Saga: New Moon movie, in a standard 22 page version and a scalp-them-with-promised-extras 40 page version, including a history of the town Forks where the books are set.

I bet writer Ryan Burton (Flying Saucers vs. The Earth), artist Dave Macneil and cover artist Vinnie Tartamella are hanging their heads with shame right now. Which hides their secret gleeful smiles, because this comic, with this timing, is going to sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell sell…

Unless they get a cease and desist, that is.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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