What really happened with Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning on The Legion? Gail Simone remembers... and posts...
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: comixology, daredevil, marvel
ComiXology To Run Big Daredevil Sale On Monday
Again, we get advance word of ComiXology and Marvel's sale plans for next week. On Monday, expect to see a 99 cent/69 pence price point for
Daredevil vol 1 1-8 – from the nineteen sixties, with Stan Lee, Bill Everett and Wally Wood.
Vol 2 1-19 – from the noughties, with Kevin Smith, Joe Quesada, Jimmy Palmiotti and friends.
Vol 3 (current) 1-10.1 with Mark Waid, Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin
And Daredevil Yellow, from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale.

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