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Green Lantern Gives Up The Gun (Spoilers)
Back when It was announced that Simon Baz was to be a new Green Lantern, there was commentary asking why, when he carried one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, the Green Lantern ring, he still had a gun.
It came down to when he was shot at with a gun when he first got the ring and, after blocking the first shots, the ring died on him.
So he always carried a gun as back up. And, handily was able to use it to shoot Sinestro.
Which was pretty bad ass. But as of the last issue of Green Lanterns, dealing with a rather anti-gun Batman…
…that's him, he let an innocent butler get his hands on it, with tragic consequences.
Today's issue kicks off with that gun being taken care of. And glances exchanged….
And those Batglances are enough to elicit a confession.
Tested in the heat of battle.
And a conclusion.
So even if Marvel Comics is going to dial down the politics in the months to come, it looks like DC Comics may be stepping right up. Though I guess the right tp bear arms, also includes the right not to.
Also, he's still got the ring which can punch a hole through a planet! Simon Baz is a fully paid up member of the Universal Ring Association!
Green Lanterns #17 by Sam Humphries and Eduardo Pansica is published today by DC Comics.