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Jonathan Hickman Clarifies The Marko Djurdjevic Furore
So the industry has reacted to reporting of the Team Spirit panel last night at the Fan Expo in Canada. In which Marko Djurdjevic is portrayed as, well, acting like a bit of a dick.
Mark Waid responded "Dear #MarkoDjurdjevic : you will not be missed" before clarifying "For clarity, Djurdjevic's an ass not for having those opinions–he makes my feelings towards a rival company sound fuzzy– warm and fuzzy–it's that he was rude to other creators RIGHT THERE and hijacked a whole panel to slag others"
Chris Robinson tweeted "I've never met him, but based on his comments I'm guessing this Marko Djurdjevic is lots of fun to work with, right?"
Ron Marz: "So I guess that "Marvel Art of Marko Djurdjevic" book will be a collector's item pretty soon, huh?"
Jetpack Comics: "Interesting seeing the Marko Djurdjevic debacle unfold on the net. Guy sounds like he's pretty full of himself."
Etc etc etc….
However, someone who was actually there, sat two feet from Marko, on the panel, has a very different take. And more in line with the Marvel rep response we posted in our original article.
Jonathan Hickman tweeted;
This stuff with Marko Djurdjevic is not being conveyed accurately. AT ALL, in my opinion.
He certainly wasn't disrespectful to me or Steve. Hell, I thought everyone was just having a good time.
Everyone repeat after me… tone is never portrayed well over the internet… tone is never portrayed well over the internet…