The estate of Sir Terry Pratchett removing Neil Gaiman from the Good Omens Kickstarter was the most-read story on Bleeding Cool yesterday.
Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: angelina jolie, bagwell, Rich Johnston
Not Avatar Plug Of The Week: Chase Variant
I've got a new comic book out in the USA today, and in the UK tomorrow.
Comic shops stocking Chase Variant for the shelf are listed at and yes, I can't believe the domain name was available either.
Comic Book Resources have run a preview here and MTV ran the Rob Liefeld cover here. I seem to have lucked out on a relatively slow week for Image, with Mouse Guard, Wolfman and Perhapanauts as my shelf space rivals.
All fine comics, but none of them are metatextual philiosophical treatese on blowing shit up with guns and exposed skin, are they?
No, no they are not.
Say, anyone want the film rights?
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