Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, Video Games | Tagged: bioshock, Bioshock Infinite Complete, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, entertainment, escape plan, fables, Frozen Synapse, Hungry Horde, Luftrausers, playstation 3, playstation 4, Steamworld Dog, telltale games, The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, The Wolf Among Us, video games, Vlambeer, Xbox 360, xbox one
Sweet Release! Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare, The Wolf Among Us, Bioshock Infinite Complete, November's Free Games
By Jared Cornelius
Howdy gang and welcome back to your one stop shop for the weeks new video releases. Well it's that time of year again, the sleeping giant has awoken and is preparing to descend upon us once again. Of course I'm talking about the one and only Call of Duty franchise, and the thing about Call of Duty games is that every other publisher basically clears the table for them. In stark contrast to the last few weeks of six or eight titles to talk about, this week is basically all about the first person military shooter. We do have a few games to fill in the blanks, but this week's theme is downloadable titles on retail shelves. Everything else on our list this week has been available as a download, so hooray for all of us boxed copy hoarders out there.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is Activision's yearly money making military first person shooter, but with a bit of a twist. This is the first installment from Sledgehammer Games, the third Call of Duty development house that up until now was only notable for making a canceled Call of Duty action adventure game. Composed of former Visceral Games employees who you may remember from the Dead Space franchise, they've tried to set themselves apart from Infinity Ward and Treyarch by setting the game, "In the not too distant future" where the privatization of military forces has had a less than desirable effect on the world. The game also prominently features Kevin Spacey as "John Irons" CEO and head of the Atlas Corporation.
The world's largest private military organization is surely up to no good, and might indeed be starting trouble in the world's neighborhood. Being set in the future players will have access to a range of space age military technology, including exo-suits, cloaking technology, drones, and even hover-bikes. Advanced Warfare still comes loaded to the brim with the usual slate of multi-player modes that Call of Duty fans have come to expect and comes in a variety of special edition flavors that include various pieces of downloadable content. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare technically released on Monday, but various outlets are reporting you can pick a copy up as early as last Saturday and is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.
Get ready to bark at the moon, with Telltale Games' The Wolf Among Us. Based on Bill Willingham's popular Fables series, The Wolf Among Us, is a third person adventure game with players taking control of Sheriff Bigby Wolf who's looking to solve a murder in Fabletown. Telltale made big headlines with their interpretation of The Walking Dead back in 2011 and Wolf Among Us is one of their first follow ups to such critical acclaim. The boxed copy contains all five episodes and takes the same mature tone in storytelling and keeps canonically faithful with the comic series. No spoilers other than that! The Wolf Among Us is available Tuesday at retail on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One and is also available digitally on PC, I0S, and Android devices.
Ken Levine made a whole new generation of gamers stand up and take notice of his unique style with the Bioshock franchise, and now that he's dialed back his studio to make smaller games, 2K Games are sending the series off in style with Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition. The unique first person shooter has players control Booker Dewitt, a hard drinking detective who's sent to the god fearing floating city of Columbia to retrieve a strange girl named Elizabeth. Of course things are not as they seem and Dewitt is at the center of a massive mystery involving Elizabeth and Columbia's founder Comstock. The Complete Edition also features the "Clash in The Clouds" combat centric downloadable content, as well as the additional single player "Burial At Sea" campaign that brings Booker and Elizabeth to underwater utopia of Rapture before its fall. Bioshock's debut in 2007 was the true coming out of the generation and is fondly remembered despite a few story telling flaws, if you've managed to avoid the last great installment now's the time to jump onboard at a budget price. Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition released Tuesday for PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
As always, a new month means new free games if you subscribe to Xbox Live Gold, or PlayStation Plus. PlayStation 4 users get Edward McMillen's rogue-like dungeon crawler, The Binding of Isaac Rebirth, and the steam-punk western Metroid-Vania, Steamworld Dig. Both games are also cross-buy compatible meaning you'll get the PlayStation Vita versions as well. PlayStation 3 users get minimalist strategy game Frozen Synapse and the excellent Vlambeer shooter, Luftrausers which is also cross-buy on Vita. PlayStation Vita users get system launch title Escape Plan and Hungry Horde.
Microsoft seemed to have such a positive response with Octobers free game being brand new and indie developed they've decided to do it again by giving subscribers Volgarr the Viking. From the aptly named Crazy Viking Stuidos, Volgarr The Viking is inspired by 16-bit era side scrollers like Rastan and Black Tiger. Volgarr's been out on PC for some time, but this week marks its console debut with all the 16-bit era charm and 16-bit difficulty for your controller breaking pleasure. Xbox 360 users get Microsoft's sugary sweet god game, Viva Piñata: Trouble In Paradise free until the 16th when it'll be replaced by Volition's Red Faction Guerrilla.
That's all for this month kids, remember to check out my other regular column, Typing on The Dead, where I dissect and give commentary on the new issue of The Walking Dead. Also why don't you take a look at the resurrected, Live From The Comic Shop, feature now written by fellow New Jersey native Christine Marie Vinciquarra at our local shop, Conquest Comics.
Jared Cornelius is some guy from New Jersey who wants a sandwich and doesn't have the time to do a snappy outro. Recommend your favorite sandwich by contacting him on Twitter @John_Laryngitis